Arbeiten bei Zip-Pak

Das Engagement von Zip-Pak für Vielfalt und Integration (D&I)

Bei Zip-Pak maximieren wir die Kraft unserer globalen Vielfalt. Das Ergebnis ist überlegene Innovation, Produktivität und Geschäftswachstum. Wir sind fest davon überzeugt, dass vielfältige Perspektiven, offene Kommunikation und Einbeziehung zu Mitarbeitermotivation, Kundenzufriedenheit, lohnenden Lieferantenpartnerschaften, höheren Renditen für unsere Aktionäre und besseren Gemeinschaften zum Arbeiten und Wohnen führen.

To achieve our vision, Zip-Pak is committed to:

  • Fostering inclusive environments where differences are valued and employees are comfortable expressing their ideas and doing their best
  • Attracting and retaining a diverse workforce
  • Cultivating business opportunities and customer and supplier relationships across diverse markets and demographic segments
  • Building stronger communities through philanthropic and service activities that address diverse needs

The Guiding Principles of Zip-Pak’s Diversity & Inclusion Commitment

Zip-Pak can help you satisfy consumer demand for convenient resealable packages while ensuring manufacturing efficiency. From packaging engineers to equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to film suppliers, we work with your packaging supply chain to develop the most effective zipper solution for each flexible packaging application.Our uniquely flexible approach to satisfying customer needs is reflected in the following core operating commitments:

  • D&I is an integral part of doing business at Zip-Pak and plays a key role in our business planning and performance measurement processes.
  • Zip-Pak’s D&I focus is to enhance operations and business success, not to meet numeric targets.
  • In keeping with our corporate philosophy of 80/20, we structure our D&I strategies to focus on the key 20% of initiatives that account for 80% of business impact.
  • We place an unparalleled degree of trust in our business units and their leaders. Our lean corporate structure and steady flow of acquisitions requires our business units to take the lead in implementing D&I.

Zip-Pak is an equal opportunity employer.