Food & Product Safety
Zip-Pak is committed to producing the safest, highest quality packaging products available. Zip-Pak facilities are certified by Safe Quality Food International and are certified to meet a minimum of SQF 2000 Level 2 and as high as SQF 2000 Level 3. This globally recognized certification assures Zip-Pak products are backed by the most credible and consistent food safety practices.
All Zip-Pak facilities in North America are certified by Safe Quality Food International (SQFI). SQFI certification ensures Zip-Pak facilities operate using the highest most sophisticated food safety methods.
All U.S. Zip-Pak manufacturing facilities are certified by SFQI to meet a minimum of SQF 2000 Level 2 safe food manufacturing practices. This globally recognized independent certification ensures products produced at all Zip-Pak facilities operate at the highest level of HACCP based food safety and quality practices.
Zip-Pak manufacturing facilities in North America maintain the highly regarded food safety certification by Safe Quality Food International. Zip-Pak facilities are certified to meet a minimum of SQF 2000 Level 2 and as high as SQF 2000 Level 3. This rigorous and voluntary process demonstrates Zip-Pak’s commitment.