Terms of Sale




Condições de venda

1. Sobre a aceitação. A Zip Pak, uma divisão da Illinois Tool Works Inc., doravante referida como “Zip Pak”, vende produtos (doravante referidos como “Produtos”) ou presta serviços (doravante referidos como “Serviços”) para clientes que compram Produtos ou contratam Serviços da Zip Pak, doravante feridos como “Comprador”. Os presentes termos e condições de venda (doravante referidos como “Termos”), qualquer orçamento da Zip Pak, reconhecimento ou fatura e todos os documentos incorporados por referência específica ao presente documento ou em outros (doravante referidos como “Documentos da Zip Pak” e, em conjuntos com estes Termos, doravante referidos como o “Acordo”) compõem todos os termos que governam a venda de Produtos e Serviços. ATRAVÉS DO PRESENTE, A ZIP PAK REJEITA QUAISQUER TERMOS OU CONDIÇÕES ADICIONAIS OU DIFERENTES PROPOSTOS PELO COMPRADOR, ESTEJAM ELES CONTIDOS OU NÃO EM FORMULÁRIOS DE NEGÓCIOS DO COMPRADOR OU NO SITE DO COMPRADOR, DE FORMA QUE QUAISQUER TERMOS ADICIONAIS OU DIFERENTES NÃO TERÃO VALOR. Nenhum acordo de uso em sites ou acordo com confirmação por clique em um site terá efeito vinculante independentemente da Zip Pak clicar nos termos “OK”, “Concordo” ou confirmações similares. O início de qualquer trabalho pela Zip Pak ou a aceitação da entrega dos Produtos ou execução dos Serviços por parte do Comprador será considerada o consentimento do Comprador com o Acordo. Termos adicionais ou cabíveis a uma determinada venda podem ser especificados no corpo do Documento da Zip Pak ou definidos por escrito pelas partes. No caso de um conflito, a seguinte ordem de precedência será aplicada: (a) termos concordados por escrito e executados por um diretor autorizado da Zip Pak; (b) termos de um Documento da Zip Pak; (c) os presentes Termos.

2. Sobre orçamentos. Os orçamentos são válidos apenas quando documentados e por 30 dias a partir da data de emissão. Todos os orçamentos estão sujeitos a mudanças ou rejeição sem aviso prévio ao Comprador. Os orçamentos são feitos sujeitos à aprovação de crédito do Comprador. A Zip Pak pode rejeitar pedidos e não tem obrigação de fornecer Produtos ou prestar Serviços se a Zip Pak não emitir uma confirmação de pedido ou após o envio dos Produtos ou início dos Serviços.

3. Sobre preços e termos de pagamentos. Os preços são informados em dólares americanos (US$) e estão sujeitos a mudanças sem aviso prévio. Todos os pedidos são aceitos sujeitos ao preço da Zip Pak em vigor no momento do envio. Os preços não incluem impostos por venda, uso, valor agregado ou outros, taxas de importação, taxas de licenciamento ou outros encargos (doravante referidos como “Taxas”) relacionados à venda, importação ou uso de Produtos ou Serviços, sendo que o Comprador tem o dever de arcar com tais Taxas. Se a Zip Pak posteriormente precisar pagar alguma Taxa, o Comprador deve defender e indenizar a Zip Pak quanto a ela. As condições de pagamento são de 30 dias corridos a partir da data da fatura da Zip Pak. Faturas atrasadas acarretarão juros de 1,5% ao mês ou a taxa máxima permitida pela lei vigente. Os direitos de inspeção do Comprador previstos no presente documento não afetarão as condições de pagamento. Em hipótese alguma o Comprador terá o direito de compensação de créditos. Se o Comprador não realizar algum pagamento conforme o acordado, o Comprador concorda em indenizar a Zip Pak por todos os custos associados causados para a Zip Pak, incluindo honorários advocatícios cabíveis e custas processuais.

4. Sobre a aprovação de crédito. Todos os envios de Produtos estão sujeitos a uma aprovação pelo departamento de crédito da Zip Pak. A Zip Pak pode enviar uma fatura para o Comprador e solicitar o reembolso de cada envio como uma transação separada. Se, a critério exclusivo da Zip Pak, a condição financeira do Comprador for ou se tornar insatisfatória, então a Zip Pak pode, sem prejuízo para nenhum de seus outros recursos: (a) rejeitar ou negar em realizar envios, exceto após o recebimento de garantias satisfatórias ou pagamentos em espécie com antecedência; e/ou (b) cancelar toda e qualquer ordem de compra do Comprador.

5. Sobre cancelamentos ou modificações. A Zip Pak pode cancelar qualquer ordem de compra ou autorização relacionada a uma ou encerrar qualquer acordo relacionado à compra de Produtos ou contratação de Serviços Zip Pak após enviar um aviso prévio e documentado cabível para o Comprador. Depois que a Zip Pak tiver aceitado uma ordem de compra ou começar a realizar as ações com relação a uma ordem de compra, o Comprador não pode cancelar ou modificar tal ordem de compra, exceto com consentimento documentado da Zip Pak. Em tal hipótese, o Comprador será responsável pelos encargos de cancelamento ou modificação e todos os custos gerados e firmados para a ordem ou relacionados ao cancelamento ou modificação, conforme cabível, juntamente com uma compensação devida por despesas proporcionais e lucros previstos.

6. Sobre inspeções/entregas fora de conformidade. O Comprador pode inspecionar os produtos por um período de 15 dias úteis após a entrega (doravante referido como “Período de inspeção”). O Comprador precisa notificar a Zip Pak por escrito sobre quaisquer produtos que não estejam em conformidade com as especificações cabíveis para a venda dentro do Período de Inspeção e conceder à Zip Pak a oportunidade devida de inspecionar tais Produtos e corrigir uma não conformidade. Se o Comprador não entregar à Zip Pak tal aviso documentado dentro do Período de Inspeção, será considerado que o Comprador aceitou os produtos. O Comprador não pode devolver um produto sem autorização prévia e documentada da Zip Pak. Qualquer devolução autorizada pela Zip Pak precisa ser feita de acordo com as políticas de devolução da Zip Pak O Comprador será responsável por arcar com todos os custos associados às devoluções de produtos e arcará com o risco de perda, exceto caso a Zip Pak concorde de maneira diferente e de forma documentada ou determine que os Produtos não estão em conformidade com as condições de venda devidas. Qualquer variação nas quantidades enviadas acima ou abaixo daquelas encomendadas (não ultrapassando 10%) serão consideradas em conformidade com o pedido do Comprador, e o preço unitário declarado continuará válido.

7. Sobre a entrega. A Zip Pak prevê o uso de transportadoras comuns para o envio de Produtos. A transportadora, e não a Zip Pak, cobrará pelas taxas de envio e outros encargos de transporte. Os pagamentos por tais encargos serão pagos pelo Comprador diretamente com a transportadora. Todos os produtos são enviados na modalidade FOB da instalação da Zip Pak. As datas de envio são estimativas e baseadas no recebimento imediato de todas as informações necessárias por parte do Comprador. A Zip Pak pode despachar itens em envios únicos ou múltiplos. O direito para os Produtos e o risco de perdas deve ser repassado ao Comprador após a entrega para a transportadora comum na instalação da Zip Pak. O Comprador assume todos os riscos e responsabilidades por perda e uso ou uso indevido por terceiros que comprarem ou usarem os Produtos de forma ilícita após a entrega. O Comprador precisa notificar a Zip Pak e a transportadora dentro de 15 dias úteis a partir da data de recebimento dos Produtos sobre quaisquer danos ou itens faltantes e conceder à Zip Pak uma oportunidade cabível de inspecionar os produtos. Qualquer perda ocasionada por danos ou retração no transporte será de responsabilidade do Comprador, e reclamações por tais perdas devem ser feitas exclusivamente com a transportadora.

8. Sobre a garantia limitada. A Zip Pak garante que entregará produtos livres e isentos de qualquer penhor, direitos de bem de caução e ônus real criados por, através ou devido a Zip Pak. A Zip Pak garante ainda que, por um período de 6 meses a partir da data de entrega à transportadora comum (doravante referido como o “Período de garantia”), sob uso normal e com instalação e manutenção devidas conforme determinado pela Zip Pak, os Produtos: (a) estarão em conformidade com ambas as especificações documentadas ou outras descrições; e (b) estarão livres de defeitos significativos em material e mão de obra.

No caso de uma violação das garantias previstas acima (doravante referidas como “Garantias”), a Zip Pak vai, a critério e responsabilidade únicas da Zip Pak e como recurso exclusivo do Comprador, consertar, substituir ou creditar a conta do Comprador por qualquer produto que não esteja em conformidade com as Garantias, contanto que (i) durante o Período de garantia, a Zip Pak seja notificada imediatamente por escrito sob a descoberta de tal falha com uma explicação detalhada dos supostos defeitos; (ii) a Zip Pak tenha a oportunidade cabível de investigar tais reclamações; e (iii) a avaliação da Zip Pak sobre tal Produto confirme as supostas falhas e que as falhas não foram causadas por acidentes, uso indevido, negligência, desgaste e uso normal, instalação incorreta, alteração ou reparo não autorizado ou testes incorretos. Nenhum produto pode ser devolvido para a Zip Pak até receber inspeção e aprovação pela Zip Pak.

A Garantia contra defeitos não se aplica: (1) componentes consumíveis ou itens de desgaste comum; ou (2) uso dos Produtos com equipamentos, componentes ou peças não especificadas ou fornecidas pela Zip Pak ou não previstos na documentação do Produto.

9. Sobre a garantia de serviço. A Zip Pak garante que (a) prestará Serviços de forma pontual, competente e profissional e seguindo as normas da indústria; e que (b) os Serviços devem estar em conformidade com especificações ou declarações de trabalho definidas em comum acordo. No caso de uma violação da garantia acima, o recurso exclusivo do Comprador e a única responsabilidade da Zip Pak, a seu critério, é realizar novamente os Serviços ou creditar a conta do Comprador por tais serviços.


11. Sobre o uso do produto. O Comprador é o único responsável por determinar se um Produto é apto para uma determinada finalidade e adequado para o método de aplicação do Comprador. Dessa forma, e devido à natureza e a maneira de usar os Produtos da Zip Pak, a Zip Pak não é responsável pelos resultados ou consequências de uso, uso indevido ou aplicação de seus Produtos. Todas as propriedades físicas, declarações e recomendações são baseadas em testes ou experiência que a Zip Pak acredita ser confiável, mas sem garantias.

12. Sobre ferramentas/moldes/matrizes. Todos os materiais, equipamentos, instalações e ferramentas especiais (incluindo ferramentas, modelos, matrizes, fixadores, moldes, padrões, torneiras especiais, medidores especiais, equipamentos de testes especializados e aparatos de fabricação e substituições deles) usados na fabricação de Produtos permanecerão como propriedade da Zip Pak. Qualquer material, ferramenta ou equipamento fornecido para a Zip Pak pelo Comprador continuará sendo propriedade do Comprador, com direito e título de posse permanecendo com o Comprador.

13. Sobre consignação. Se os Produtos forem vendidos na modalidade consignada, o direito sobre tais Produtos não será transferido para o Comprador até uma das situações a seguir (a que ocorrer primeiro): (a) o momento no qual o Produto é removido do inventário para uso; ou (b) a data, a 90 dias da data de envio do Produto. A Zip Pak terá o direito de bem de causação no valor de compra em Produtos consignados e pode entrar com uma declaração de financiamento de acordo com o Código Comercial Uniforme. O Comprador concorda em armazenar os Produtos consignados em uma área separada e os instalará e/ou manterá quaisquer sinais ou outros dispositivos a fim de identificar claramente os Produtos como sendo da Zip Pak. O Comprador assume as responsabilidades pelo risco de perda de todos os Produtos consignados. O Comprador deve contratar um seguro para os Produtos consignados e arcar com os custos, tendo o seguro valor no mínimo igual àquele para reposição.

14. Sobre a titularidade da propriedade intelectual. Todos os desenhos, know-how, designs, especificações, invenções, dispositivos, desenvolvimentos, processos, direitos autorais e outras informações ou propriedades intelectuais divulgadas ou de outra forma fornecidas ao Comprador pela Zip Pak e todos os direitos delas (doravante referidas coletivamente como “Propriedade intelectual”) permanecerão como propriedade da Zip Pak e serão mantidas em confidencialidade pelo Comprador de acordo com os presentes Termos. O Comprador não tem direito ou participação na Propriedade intelectual, e tais informações, em qualquer formato e quaisquer cópias, devem ser devolvidas imediatamente para a Zip Pak após solicitação da Zip Pak. O Comprador reconhece que nenhuma licença ou direito de espécie alguma é concedido ao Comprador sob o presente documento com relação à Propriedade intelectual além do direito limitado de usar Produtos da Zip Pak ou receber os Serviços contratados da Zip Pak.

15. Sobre o uso marcas comerciais e nomes comerciais. O Comprador não deve usar, direta ou indiretamente, no todo ou em parte, o nome da Zip Pak ou nenhuma marca ou nome comercial que seja agora ou possa ser posteriormente comprado pela Zip Pak (doravante referidos coletivamente como “Marcas comerciais”) como parte do nome corporativo ou empresarial do Comprador ou de nenhuma forma em conexão com os negócios do Comprador, exceto de maneira e até onde autorizado segundo o presente documento ou caso aprovado por escrito pela Zip Pak. Através do presente, o Comprador reconhece que a Zip Pak é proprietária das Marcas comerciais e da clientela a elas associadas. O Comprador não deve violar, causar danos ou contestar a validade das Marcas comerciais. O Comprador deve ter o direito de usar Marcas comerciais apenas em conexão com a promoção ou a venda de Produtos autorizados segundo os termos do Acordo. O Comprador deve reproduzir as Marcas comerciais exatamente conforme especificadas pela Zip Pak O Comprador não deve usar as Marcas comerciais em combinação com outras marcas ou nomes comerciais. O Comprador concorda que não registrará nem tentará registrar nenhuma Marca comercial ou imitação parecida de tal (incluindo qualquer variação em idioma diferente do inglês) nem usar tais Marcas comerciais para produtos ou finalidades além daquelas previstas para o Acordo. O Comprador não deve, durante ou após o encerramento do Acordo, usar em seus negócios outra marca comercial que seja similar ou que de alguma maneira se pareça com as Marcas comerciais de forma a causar confusão ou falsa associação com as Marcas comerciais. O Comprador deve garantir uma cooperação cabível com a Zip Pak com relação a esforços da Zip Pak para proteger, defender e aplicar seus direitos sobre as Marcas comerciais. Caso o Comprador deixe de ser um cliente autorizado da Zip Pak por qualquer razão, o Comprador deve imediatamente encerrar qualquer uso prévio do nome da Zip Pak ou suas Marcas comerciais.

16. Sobre informações confidenciais. Todas as informações fornecidas ou disponibilizadas pela Zip Pak ao Comprador em conexão com o assunto do presente documento devem ser mantidas em confidencialidade pelo Comprador. O Comprador concorda em não usar (direta ou indiretamente), nem divulgar a terceiros, tais informações sem consentimento prévio e documentado da Zip Pak. As obrigações desta seção não se aplicarão a informações que: (a) no momento da divulgação já eram ou se tornaram geralmente disponíveis ao público por publicação ou de outra forma, exceto por violação de qualquer obrigação prevista no presente documento por parte do Comprador; (b) o Comprador consiga demonstrar, através de registros escritos, que já estavam em posse do Comprador antes da divulgação pela Zip Pak; ou © sejam disponibilizadas legalmente ao Comprador por ou através de um terceiro sem obrigações de confidencialidade indireta ou direta com a Zip Pak com relação a tais dados.

17. Sobre auditorias. Exceto caso definido por escrito, nem o Comprador nem nenhum representante do Comprador pode examinar ou auditar as contas de custos da Zip Pak, livros ou registros de qualquer espécie ou nenhuma questão, além de nenhuma outra informação que a Zip Pak, a seu critério exclusivo, considere confidencial ou exclusiva.

18. Sobre violações e indenizações. Exceto conforme previsto abaixo, a Zip Pak concorda em defender e indenizar o Comprador contra quaisquer reclamações, custos, danos, responsabilidade e despesas resultantes de patentes reais, marcas comerciais ou violações de direitos autorais, apropriação indevida de informações confidenciais ou violação de outros direitos de Propriedade intelectual, domésticos ou estrangeiros que possam surgir através da venda do Produto exclusivo da Zip Pak para o Comprador conforme relacionado ao tema do Acordo (cada um, doravante referido como “Reclamação”); contanto, no entanto, que (a) o Comprador forneça à Zip Pak um aviso documentado de tal Reclamação imediatamente após o Comprador tomar ciência sobre tal Reclamação, (b) o Comprador coopere com a Zip Pak na defesa e no acordo de tal Reclamação; e (c) o Comprador autorize a Zip Pak a defender e a solucionar tal Reclamação com custas arcadas pela Zip Pak. Se um processo ou queixa resultar em uma liminar ou pedido que impeça que a Zip Pak de fornecer qualquer peça ou Produto que se enquadre no Acordo, ou se o resultado de tal processo ou reclamação iria, na opinião cabível da Zip Pak, fazer com que a Zip Pak não pudesse fornecer tais peças ou Produtos, a Zip Pak pode optar por uma ou mais das opções a seguir: (i) buscar uma licença adequada para permitir que a Zip Pak continue fornecendo essas peças ou Produtos; (ii) modificar a peça ou Produto em questão para que corrija a violação; (iii) substituir a peça ou Produto em questão por uma opção dentro da lei mas peça ou Produto praticamente equivalente; ou (iv) se a Zip Pak não conseguir realizar de forma cabível as ações previstas nas sub-seções (i) a (iii), então, a critério exclusivo da Zip Pak, a Zip Pak pode descontinuar a venda da peça ou Produto sem qualquer responsabilidade para o Comprador. Não obstante o acima mencionado, a Zip Pak não deve ter qualquer responsabilidade ou dever de defender e indenizar o Comprador contra qualquer reclamação relacionada: (1) ao uso de qualquer peça ou Produto, (2) à combinação de qualquer peça ou Produto com outra peça ou produto não fornecidos pela Zip Pak, ou (3) qualquer peça, Produto ou processo que seja projetado ou especificado pelo Comprador.

19. Sobre os profissionais da Zip-Pak. Os profissionais de vendas e atendimento da Zip Pak não possuem o treinamento ou autoridade para fazer afirmações legais, firmar acordos ou executar documentos com o Comprador que influenciem as responsabilidades legais ou abram mão de direitos legais, inclusive aqueles sobre a transferência de direitos de propriedade intelectual ou relacionados a leis de privacidade. Tais afirmações, acordos ou documentos não serão vinculantes sobre a Zip Pak ou tais funcionários da Zip Pak.

20. Sobre as condições de serviço. Os termos e condições a seguir se aplicam a quaisquer Serviços locais prestados pela Zip Pak:
A. Os serviços serão prestados nas taxas de serviços vigentes da Zip Pak.
B. O Comprador deve preparar o local para receber os Serviços. Se o local não estiver preparado para os Serviços na chegada dos profissionais da Zip Pak no horário e data definidos para a prestação de Serviços, a Zip Pak pode cobrar do Comprador por qualquer tempo de atraso e/ou deslocamento usando as taxas de serviços regulares da Zip Pak.
C. O Comprador deve fornecer à Zip Pak um aviso com antecedência sobre quaisquer regras, normas, estatutos e requisitos aplicáveis aos Serviços, incluindo quaisquer permissões e licenças necessárias, que sejam aplicáveis à jurisdição local do Comprador.
D. A Zip Pak pode recusar, sem qualquer responsabilidade, prestar os Serviços e permitir que os profissionais de serviços da Zip Pak suspendam os Serviços ou saiam de qualquer local no qual, na opinião da Zip Pak, o desempenho dos Serviços possa apresentar um risco para a segurança dos profissionais. Em tal evento, o Comprador é responsável pelo pagamento por quaisquer atrasos e/ou tempo de deslocamento nas taxas de serviços regulares da Zip Pak.
E. O Comprador é o único responsável por todos os danos ou ferimentos causados ou contribuídos pelo Comprador que possam ocorrer no local, exceto até onde danos ou ferimentos sejam causados diretamente pela negligência bruta ou conduta indevida e intencional de profissionais de serviços da Zip Pak.
F. O Comprador deve fornecer um aviso do cancelamento de qualquer ordem de Serviços com no mínimo 24 horas de antecedência. Se o Comprador cancelar o serviço com menos de 24 horas de antecedência, o Comprador é responsável por quaisquer custos causados à Zip Pak devido ao tal cancelamento.

21. Sobre a conformidade. O Comprador concorda em seguir todas as regras, normas, regulamentos e leis federais, estaduais, locais e internacionais aplicáveis às obrigações do Comprador sob o presente documento e o uso dos Produtos e Serviços pelo Comprador, incluindo leis de importação/exportação, leis trabalhistas e leis contra corrupção.

22. Sobre a relação das partes. Nada no presente Acordo ou durante a negociação das partes pode ser considerado como constituindo as partes como parceiras, empreendedoras em conjunto ou agentes uma ad outra ou como uma parte autorizadora de forma a obrigar a outra de qualquer maneira.

23. Sobre eventos de força-maior. A Zip Pak não será responsável pela falha em desempenhar seu trabalho de forma pontual sob o Acordo quando essa falha resultar de eventos além de seu controle cabível (doravante referido como um evento de “Força-maior”), incluindo atos divinos, epidemias, guerras declaradas ou não declaradas, obstruções, disputas trabalhistas (sejam dos funcionários da Zip Pak ou de terceiros), falta de matéria-prima e aumentos nos custos de matéria-prima. No caso de um evento de Força-maior, o tempo para a execução será ampliado pelo tempo cabivelmente necessário para permitir que a Zip Pak cumpra com suas obrigações.

24. Sore atribuições; efeito vinculante. Nenhuma atribuição de direitos ou interesse ou delegação de qualquer obrigação do Comprador sob a presente ordem de compra do Comprador ou Acordo pode ser feita sem consentimento prévio e documentado da v. Qualquer tentativa de atribuição será considerada nula. A Zip Pak pode atribuir o Acordo ou transferir seus direitos e/ou obrigações sob o Acordo. O Acordo entrará em vigor para o benefício de e será vinculante para as partes e seus respectivos sucessores e designados autorizados.

25. Sobre renúncias. No caso de qualquer falha pelo Comprador, a Zip Pak pode se recusar a enviar Produtos ou prestar Serviços. Se a Zip Pak optar por continuar com o envio dos produtos ou de outra forma falhar em assegurar a conformidade estrita com o Acordo, as ações da Zip Pak não se constituirão como uma renúncia da falha do Comprador ou qualquer outra falha atual ou futura nem influenciarão os recursos legais da Zip Pak.

26. Sobre falências. Se qualquer uma das partes se tornar insolvente, incapaz de quitar seus débitos no vencimento, entrar com pedido ou for sujeita a uma falência involuntária, tiver um depositário nomeado ou seus ativos transferidos, a outra parte pode cancelar quaisquer obrigações ainda não cumpridas e previstas sob o presente documento.

27. Sobre a limitação de ações/escolha da lei. Qualquer disputa proveniente ou relacionada ao Acordo será governada por e interpretada de acordo com as leis do estado de Illinois e resolvidas exclusivamente em um tribunal estadual ou federal localizado no Condado de Cook, em Illinois. Através do presente, as partes liberam e renunciam expressamente a todo e qualquer direito a um julgamento com júri e concordam em solucionar qualquer disputa exclusivamente perante um tribunal de jurisdição competente. As partes concordam que a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Contratos para a Venda Internacional de Bens não será aplicada ao Acordo.

28. Sobre a continuação da validade das cláusulas. Quaisquer disposições no Acordo que, devido à sua natureza, se estendam além da rescisão ou expiração de qualquer venda de Produtos ou Serviços permanecerão em vigor até serem cumpridas.

29. Sobre a separação de cláusulas. Se qualquer disposição no presente documento for considerada fora da lei ou não aplicável, as disposições restantes continuarão válidas.

30. Sobre integração e modificação. O presente Acordo constitui o acordo integral entre a Zip Pak e o Comprador com relação aos Produtos e Serviços previstos pelo Acordo e substitui quaisquer acordos anteriores, entendimentos, afirmações e orçamentos com relação ao presente documento. Nenhuma modificação no presente documento terá efeito se não for feita por escrito e assinada pela parte a ser vinculada.

31.  Sobre produtos para proteção de crianças e contra o uso por crianças. Todas as referências feitas pela Zip Pak aos produtos para “Proteção de crianças” se referem exclusivamente à possibilidade que os Produtos em questão podem ser parte de embalagens que possam atender aos requisitos da Lei Americana de Embalagens para Prevenção de Envenenamentos e normas relacionadas (16 Código de Regulações Federais 1700; doravante referidos como “Requisitos de PPPA”). Todas as referências feitas pela Zip Pak aos produtos “Contra o uso por crianças” (ou outras frases similares) normalmente se referem a embalagens voltadas para impedir que crianças as abram; no entanto, tais produtos não passaram por testes formais para proteção ou prevenção do uso por crianças. Os Produtos, como componentes de embalagens, não atendem aos Requisitos de PPPA ou qualquer outro requisito ou norma de embalagem por si só, e a Zip Pak rejeita expressamente e revoga qualquer declaração contrária. Alguns Produtos foram incluídos em embalagens que atendem aos Requisitos de PPPA, mas nenhuma declaração feita pela Zip Pak é uma garantia de que qualquer embalagem específica contendo os Produtos atenderá aos Requisitos de PPPA ou quaisquer leis, regras, regulamentos, normas ou requisitos. Através do presente, o Comprador isenta e indeniza a Zip Pak e afiliadas contra toda e qualquer reclamação e responsabilidade proveniente ou relacionada a embalagens que contenham produtos que não ofereçam características suficientes de proteção e/ou prevenção contra o uso por crianças. Todos os parâmetros de testes, condições e suposições incluídas em qualquer teste de laboratório ou análise ou certificação de terceiros são essenciais para os resultados de tal, e a Zip Pak não oferece garantias que tais resultados poderão ser repetidos ou aplicáveis em diferentes situações. O Comprador não afirmará de maneira alguma que embalagens com Produtos para prevenção de uso por crianças são “seguros para crianças” (ou afirmações semelhantes).

Rev. January 2019





The Customer’s attention is specifically drawn to Sections 8 and 10 below (Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability and Remedies).

1. Acceptance. Supreme Plastics, a division of ITW Limited, herein referred to as “Supreme Plastics”, is selling products (“Products”) or services (“Services”) to the customer purchasing Products or Services from Supreme Plastics, herein referred to as “Purchaser”. These terms and conditions of sale (“Terms”), any Supreme Plastics quotation, acknowledgment or invoice and all documents incorporated by specific reference herein or therein (“Supreme Plastics Documents” and together with these Terms, the “Agreement”), constitute the complete terms governing the sale of Products and Services. SUPREME PLASTICS HEREBY REJECTS ANY ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS OR CONDITIONS PROPOSED BY PURCHASER, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINED IN ANY OF PURCHASER’S BUSINESS FORMS OR IN PURCHASER’S WEBSITE, AND SUCH ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS WILL BE OF NO EFFECT. No site usage agreement or any other click through agreement on a website will have any binding effect whether or not Supreme Plastics clicks on an “ok,” “I accept,” or similar acknowledgment. Commencement of any work by Supreme Plastics or Purchaser’s acceptance of delivery of the Products or Services will manifest Purchaser’s assent to the Agreement. Additional or different terms applicable to a particular sale may be specified in the body of a Supreme Plastics Document or agreed to in writing by the parties. In the event of a conflict, the following order of precedence will apply: (a) terms agreed to in writing and executed by an authorized officer of Supreme Plastics; (b) Supreme Plastics Document terms; (c) these Terms.

2. Quotations. Quotations are only valid in writing and for 30 days from the date of the quotation. All quotations are subject to change or withdrawal without prior notice to Purchaser. Quotations are made subject to approval of Purchaser’s credit. Supreme Plastics may refuse orders and has no obligation to supply Products or Services unless Supreme Plastics issues an order acknowledgement or upon the shipment of Products or commencement of Services.

3. Prices and Payment Terms. Prices are subject to change without notice. All orders are accepted subject to Supreme Plastics’ price in effect at time of shipment. Prices do not include any sales, use, value-added or other taxes, VAT, import duties, license fees or like charges (“Fees”) related to the sale, importation or use of Products or Services, and Purchaser is responsible for those Fees. If Supreme Plastics is subsequently required to pay any Fees, Purchaser shall fully defend and indemnify Supreme Plastics therefor. Terms of payment are 30 days net from the date of Supreme Plastics’ invoice. Overdue invoices will incur interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, or at the maximum rate allowable by governing law. Purchaser’s inspection rights herein will not affect the payment terms. Under no circumstances will Purchaser have a right of set-off. If Purchaser fails to make any payment as required, Purchaser agrees to indemnify Supreme Plastics for all associated costs incurred by Supreme Plastics, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs.

4. Credit Approval. All shipments are subject to approval by Supreme Plastics’ credit department. Supreme Plastics may invoice Purchaser and recover for each shipment as a separate transaction. If, in Supreme Plastics’ sole judgment, Purchaser’s financial condition is or becomes unsatisfactory, then Supreme Plastics may, without prejudice to any of its other remedies: (a) defer or decline to make any shipments except upon receipt of satisfactory security or cash payments in advance; and/or (b) terminate any or all of Purchaser’s purchase orders.

5. Cancellation or Modification. Supreme Plastics may cancel any purchase order or release thereunder, or terminate any agreement relating to the purchase of Supreme Plastics’ Products or Services upon reasonable prior written notice to Purchaser. Once Supreme Plastics has accepted a purchase order or begun taking actions with respect to a purchase order, Purchaser cannot cancel or modify that purchase order except with Supreme Plastics’ written consent. In such event, Purchaser will be liable for cancellation or modification charges and all costs incurred and committed for the order or in connection with the cancellation or modification, as applicable, together with a reasonable allowance for prorated expenses and anticipated profits.

6. Inspection / Non-Conforming Shipments. Purchaser may inspect Products for a period of 15 business days after delivery (“Inspection Period”). Purchaser must notify Supreme Plastics in writing of any Products that do not conform to the specifications applicable to their sale within the Inspection Period and afford Supreme Plastics a reasonable opportunity to inspect such Products and cure any nonconformity. If Purchaser fails to provide Supreme Plastics such written notice within the Inspection Period, Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the Products. Purchaser may not return any Product without Supreme Plastics’ prior written authorization. Any return authorized by Supreme Plastics must be made in accordance with Supreme Plastics’ return policies. Purchaser will be responsible for all costs associated with returns of Products and will bear the risk of loss, unless Supreme Plastics agrees otherwise in writing or determines that the Products do not conform to the applicable terms of sale. Any variation in quantities shipped over or under those ordered (not to exceed 10%) will constitute compliance with Purchaser’s order, and the stated price per item will continue to apply.

7. Delivery. Supreme Plastics anticipates use of common carriers for shipment of Products. The carrier, and not Supreme Plastics, will bill for freight rates and other shipping charges. Payments for such charges shall be paid by Purchaser directly to the carrier. All Products will be shipped F.O.B. Supreme Plastics’ facility. Shipping dates are approximate and are based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information from Purchaser. Supreme Plastics may ship items in a single or multiple shipments. Title to the Products and risk of loss shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery to the common carrier at Supreme Plastics’ facility. Purchaser assumes all risk and liability for loss and use or misuse by third parties who acquire or use the Products illicitly after delivery. Purchaser must notify Supreme Plastics and the delivering carrier within 15 business days from date of receipt of Products, of any damage or shortage, and afford Supreme Plastics a reasonable opportunity to inspect the Products. Any loss occasioned by damage or shrinkage in transit will be for Purchaser’s account, and claims for such loss must be made solely against the carrier.

8. Limited Warranty. Supreme Plastics warrants that it will convey the Products free and clear of all liens, security interests and encumbrances created by, through or under Supreme Plastics. Supreme Plastics further warrants that for a period of 6 months from the date of delivery to the common carrier (the “Warranty Period”), under normal use and given proper installation and maintenance as determined by Supreme Plastics, the Products: (a) will conform to mutually agreed upon written specifications or other descriptions; and (b) will be free from substantial defects in material and workmanship. In the event of a breach of the warranties set forth above (the “Warranties”), Supreme Plastics will, at Supreme Plastics’ option and as Supreme Plastics’ sole liability and Purchaser’s sole remedy, repair, replace or credit Purchaser’s account for, any Product that fails to conform to the Warranties, provided that (i) during the Warranty Period Supreme Plastics is promptly notified in writing upon discovery of such failure with a detailed explanation of any alleged deficiencies; (ii) Supreme Plastics is given a reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims; and (iii) Supreme Plastics’ examination of such Product
confirms the alleged deficiencies and that the deficiencies were not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, improper installation, unauthorized alteration or repair or improper testing. No Products may be returned to Supreme Plastics until inspection and approval by Supreme Plastics. The Warranty against defects does not apply to: (1) consumable components or ordinary wear items; or (2) use of the Products with equipment, components or parts not specified or supplied by Supreme Plastics or contemplated under the Product documentation. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH HEREIN, SUPREME PLASTICS MAKES NO WARRANTY, PROMISSORY CONDITIONS OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE). ADDITIONALLY, SUPREME PLASTICS HEREBY EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND SATISFACTORY QUALITY

9. Service Warranty. Supreme Plastics warrants that (a) it will perform Services in a timely, competent and professional manner and in accordance with industry standards; and (b) the Services shall conform to any mutually agreed upon specifications or statements of work. Purchaser’s sole remedy, and Supreme Plastics’ sole liability, for a breach of the foregoing warranty is for Supreme Plastics, at its option, to re-perform the Services or credit Purchaser’s account for such Services.


11. Product Use. Purchaser is solely responsible for determining if a Product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for Purchaser’s method of application. Accordingly, and due to the nature and manner of use of Supreme Plastics’ Products, Supreme Plastics is not responsible for the results or consequences of use, misuse or application of its Products. All physical properties, statements and recommendations are either based on the tests or experience that Supreme Plastics believes to be reliable, but they are not guaranteed.

12. Tooling/Molds/Dies. All material, equipment, facilities and special tooling (including tools, jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, special taps, special gauges, special test equipment and manufacturing aids and replacements thereof) used in the manufacture of the Products will remain the property of Supreme Plastics. Any material, tooling or equipment furnished to Supreme Plastics by Purchaser will remain the property of Purchaser with title to and right of possession remaining in Purchaser.

13. Consignment. If Products are sold on a consignment basis, title in such Products will not pass to Purchaser until the earlier of: (a) the time the Product is removed from inventory for use; or (b) the date that is 90 days from the Product’s shipment date. Supreme Plastics will have a purchase money security interest in consigned Products and may file a financing statement in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code. Purchaser agrees to store consigned Products in a segregated area and will install and/or maintain any signs or other devices to clearly identify the Products as Supreme Plastics Products.
Purchaser assumes the risk of loss of all consigned Products. Purchaser shall insure consigned Products at Purchaser’s expense in amounts at least equal to the replacement value.

14. Ownership of Intellectual Property. All drawings, know-how, designs, specifications, inventions, devices, developments, processes, copyrights and other information or intellectual property disclosed or otherwise provided to Purchaser by Supreme Plastics and all rights therein (collectively, “Intellectual Property”) will remain the property of Supreme Plastics and will be kept confidential by Purchaser in accordance with these Terms. Purchaser has no claim to, nor ownership interest in, any Intellectual Property, and such information, in whatever form and any copies thereof, shall be promptly returned to Supreme Plastics upon request from Supreme Plastics. Purchaser acknowledges that no license or rights of any sort are granted to Purchaser hereunder in respect of any Intellectual Property, other than the limited right to use Supreme Plastics’ Products or receive the Services purchased from Supreme Plastics.

15. Use of Trademarks and Trade Names. Purchaser shall not use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, Supreme Plastics’ name, or any other trademark or trade name that is now or may hereafter be owned by Supreme Plastics (collectively the “Trademarks”), as part of Purchaser’s corporate or business name, or in any way in connection with Purchaser’s business, except in a manner and to the extent authorized herein or otherwise approved by Supreme Plastics in writing. Purchaser hereby acknowledges Supreme Plastics’ ownership of the Trademarks and the goodwill associated therewith. Purchaser shall not infringe upon, harm or contest the validity of any Trademarks. Purchaser shall be entitled to use the Trademarks only in connection with the promotion or sale of the Authorized Products pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. Purchaser shall reproduce the Trademarks exactly as specified by Supreme Plastics. Purchaser shall not use the Trademarks in combination with any other trademarks or names. Purchaser agrees that it will not register or attempt to register any Trademark or any colorable imitation thereof (including any non-English language variation thereof), or use such Trademarks for any products or for any purposes other than those set forth in the Agreement. Purchaser shall not at any time during or after termination of the Agreement use in its business any other trademark that is similar to or in any way resembles the Trademarks so as to be likely to cause deception or confusion with the Trademarks. Purchaser shall provide reasonable cooperation to Supreme Plastics with respect to any efforts of Supreme Plastics to protect, defend or enforce its rights to the Trademarks. Should Purchaser cease being an authorized customer of Supreme Plastics for any reason, Purchaser shall immediately discontinue any formerly permitted use of Supreme Plastics’ name or the Trademarks.

16. Confidential Information. All information furnished or made available by Supreme Plastics to Purchaser in connection with the subject matter hereof shall be held in confidence by Purchaser. Purchaser agrees not to use (directly or indirectly), or disclose to others, such information without Supreme Plastics’ prior written consent. The obligations in this section will not apply to any information that: (a) at the time of disclosure was or thereafter becomes generally available to the public by publication or otherwise through no breach by Purchaser of any obligation herein; (b) Purchaser can show by written records was in Purchaser’s possession prior to disclosure by Supreme Plastics; or (c) is legally made available to Purchaser by or through a third party having no direct or indirect confidentiality obligation to Supreme Plastics with respect to such information.

17. Audit. Unless agreed to in writing by an officer of Supreme Plastics, neither Purchaser nor any Purchaser representative, may examine or audit Supreme Plastics’ cost accounts, books or records of any kind or any matter, or any other data that Supreme Plastics, in its sole discretion, considers confidential or proprietary.

18. Infringement and Indemnification. Except as set forth below, Supreme Plastics agrees to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any claims, costs, damages, liability and expenses resulting from actual patent, trademark or copyright infringement, misappropriation of confidential information, or violation of any other Intellectual Property right, domestic or foreign that may arise from the sale of Supreme Plastics’ proprietary Product to Purchaser as such pertains to the subject matter of the Agreement (each, a “Claim”); provided, however, (a) Purchaser supplies Supreme Plastics written notice of such Claim immediately after the Purchaser has notice of such Claim, (b) Purchaser cooperates with Supreme Plastics in the defense and settlement of such Claim; and (c) Purchaser allows Supreme Plastics the right to defend and settle such Claim at Supreme Plastics’ expense If a suit or claim results in any injunction or order that would prevent Supreme Plastics from supplying any part or Product falling under the Agreement, or if the result of such a suit or claim would, in the reasonable opinion of Supreme Plastics, otherwise cause Supreme Plastics to be unable to supply such parts or Products, Supreme Plastics may do one or more of the following: (i) secure an appropriate license to permit Supreme Plastics to continue supplying those parts or Products; (ii) modify the appropriate part or Product so that it becomes non-infringing; (iii) replace the appropriate part or Product with a non-infringing but practically equivalent part or Product; or (iv) if Supreme Plastics cannot reasonably accomplish the actions specified in subsections (i) – (iii), then in Supreme Plastics’ sole discretion, Supreme Plastics may discontinue selling the part or Product without any further liability to Purchaser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Supreme Plastics shall have no liability or duty to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any Claim relating to: (1) the use of any part or Product, (2) the combination of any part or Product with any other part or product not supplied by Supreme Plastics, or (3) any part or Product or process that is designed or specified by Purchaser.

19. Supreme Plastics Employees. Supreme Plastics sales and service employees do not have the training or authority to make legal representations or enter into any agreements or execute any Purchaser documents affecting legal responsibilities or waiving legal rights, including those regarding the transfer of intellectual property rights or related to privacy laws. Any such representations, agreements or documents will not be binding on Supreme Plastics or such Supreme Plastics employees.

20. Service Terms. The following terms and conditions apply to any on-site Services provided by Supreme Plastics:

A. Services will be provided at Supreme Plastics’ then current service rates.

B. Purchaser shall prepare the site for the Services. If the site is not prepared for the Services upon Supreme Plastics service personnel’s arrival at the agreed upon time and date for Services, Supreme Plastics may charge Purchaser for any delay and/or travel time at Supreme Plastics’ regular service rates.

C. Purchaser shall provide Supreme Plastics with advance notice of any rules, regulations, statutes and requirements applicable to the Services, including any required permits and licenses, that are applicable to Purchaser’s local jurisdiction.

D. Supreme Plastics may refuse, without any liability, to provide Services and to allow Supreme Plastics service personnel to suspend Services or vacate any site where, in Supreme Plastics’ opinion, performance of Services would pose a risk to the safety of any person. In such event, Purchaser is responsible for payment of any delay and/or travel time at Supreme Plastics’ regular service rates.

E. Purchaser is solely liable for all damages or injuries caused or contributed to by Purchaser that may occur on the site, except to the extent damages or injuries are directly caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Supreme Plastics service personnel.

F. Purchaser must provide at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation of any Service order. If Purchaser
cancels with less than 24 hours’ notice, Purchaser is responsible for any costs incurred by Supreme Plastics caused by such cancellation.

21. Compliance. Purchaser agrees to comply with all federal, state, local and foreign rules, regulations, ordinances and laws applicable to Purchaser’s obligations hereunder and Purchaser’s use of the Products and Services, including import/export laws, labor laws and anti-corruption laws.

22. Relationship of the Parties. Nothing in the Agreement or the course of dealing of the parties may be construed to constitute the parties hereto as partners, joint venturers or as agents for one another or as authorizing either party to obligate the other in any manner.

23. Force Majeure. Supreme Plastics will not be responsible for failure to perform in a timely manner under the Agreement when its failure results from events beyond its reasonable control (an event of “Force Majeure”), including acts of God, epidemics, acts of war whether declared or undeclared, blockades, labor disputes (whether of Supreme Plastics’ employees or the employees of others), raw material shortages and material increases in costs of raw materials. In the event of Force Majeure, the time for performance will extend for such time as reasonably necessary to enable Supreme Plastics to perform.

24. Assignment; Binding Effect. No assignment of any rights or interest or delegation of any obligation of Purchaser under the Agreement or Purchaser’s purchase order may be made without Supreme Plastics’ prior written consent. Any attempted assignment will be void. Supreme Plastics may assign the Agreement or otherwise transfer its rights and/or obligations under the Agreement. The Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

25. Waiver. In the event of any default by Purchaser, Supreme Plastics may decline to ship Products or provide Services. If Supreme Plastics elects to continue shipping or otherwise fails to insist upon strict compliance with the Agreement, Supreme Plastics’ actions will not constitute a waiver of Purchaser’s default or any other existing or future default, or affect Supreme Plastics’ legal remedies.

26. Bankruptcy. If either party becomes insolvent, is unable to pay its debts when due, files for or is the subject of involuntary bankruptcy, has a receiver appointed or has its assets assigned, the other party may cancel any unfulfilled obligations hereunder.

27. Limitation of Actions/Choice of Law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the Agreement and/or any Products or Services will be governed by and construed according to the laws of England and litigated exclusively in the courts of England. The parties hereto expressly release and waive any and all rights to a jury trial and consent to have any dispute heard solely by a court of competent jurisdiction. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to the Agreement.

28. Survival. Any provisions in the Agreement which, by their nature, extend beyond the termination or expiration of any sale of Products or Services, will remain in effect until fulfilled.

29. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining provisions herein will remain in effect.

30. Integration and Modification. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Supreme Plastics and Purchaser with respect to the Products and Services covered by the Agreement, and
supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, representations and quotations with respect thereto. No modification hereof will be of any effect unless in writing and signed by the party to be bound thereby.

31.  Child-Resistant & Child-Deterrent Products. All references by Zip Pak to “Child Resistant” refer solely to the possibility that the applicable Products can be part of packaging that may satisfy the requirements of the U.S. Poison Prevention Packaging Act and related regulations (16 CFR 1700) (the “PPPA Requirements”). All references by Zip Pak to “Child-Deterrent” (or other similar phrases) refer generally to packaging meant to discourage young children from opening it, however such Products have not undergone any formal testing for child resistance or deterrence. Products, as packaging components, do not satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other packaging requirement or standard on their own, and Zip Pak expressly rejects and revokes any statement to the contrary. Certain Products have been included on packaging that satisfies the PPPA Requirements, but no statement by Zip Pak is a guarantee that any specific packaging containing Products will satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other laws, rules, regulations, standards or requirements. Purchaser hereby releases and indemnifies Zip Pak and affiliates from and against all claims and liabilities arising out of or related to packaging containing Products that is not sufficiently resistant and/or deterrent. All testing parameters, conditions and assumptions included in any lab test or third-party analysis or certification are integral to the results of such, and Zip Pak makes no guarantee that any such results will be repeatable or are applicable in different situations. Purchaser will not in any way state that any packaging including child-deterrent Products are “child resistant” (or the like).

Rev. January 2019





The Customer’s attention is specifically drawn to Sections 8 and 10 below (Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability and Remedies).

1. Acceptance. Zippak International BV, herein referred to as “Zippak”, is selling products (“Products”) or services (“Services”) to the customer purchasing Products or Services from Zippak, herein referred to as “Purchaser”. These terms and conditions of sale (“Terms”), any Zippak quotation, acknowledgment or invoice and all documents incorporated by specific reference herein or therein (“Zippak Documents” and together with these Terms, the “Agreement”), constitute the complete terms governing the sale of Products and Services. ZIPPAK HEREBY REJECTS ANY ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS OR CONDITIONS PROPOSED BY PURCHASER, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINED IN ANY OF PURCHASER’S BUSINESS FORMS OR IN PURCHASER’S WEBSITE, AND SUCH ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS WILL BE OF NO EFFECT. No site usage agreement or any other click through agreement on a website will have any binding effect whether or not Zippak clicks on an “ok,” “I accept,” or similar acknowledgment. Commencement of any work by Zippak or Purchaser’s acceptance of delivery of the Products or Services will manifest Purchaser’s assent to the Agreement. Additional or different terms applicable to a particular sale may be specified in the body of a Zippak Document or agreed to in writing by the parties. In the event of a conflict, the following order of precedence will apply: (a) terms agreed to in writing and executed by an authorized officer of Zippak; (b) Zippak Document terms; (c) these Terms.

2. Quotations. Quotations are only valid in writing and for 30 days from the date of the quotation. All quotations are subject to change or withdrawal without prior notice to Purchaser. Quotations are made subject to approval of Purchaser’s credit. Zippak may refuse orders and has no obligation to supply Products or Services unless Zippak issues an order acknowledgement or upon the shipment of Products or commencement of Services.

3. Prices and Payment Terms. Prices are subject to change without notice. All orders are accepted subject to Zippak’ price in effect at time of shipment. Prices do not include any sales, use, value-added or other taxes, VAT, import duties, license fees or like charges (“Fees”) related to the sale, importation or use of Products or Services, and Purchaser is responsible for those Fees. If Zippak is subsequently required to pay any Fees, Purchaser shall fully defend and indemnify Zippak therefor. Terms of payment are 30 days net from the date of Zippak’ invoice. Overdue invoices will incur interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, or at the maximum rate allowable by governing law. Purchaser’s inspection rights herein will not affect the payment terms. Under no circumstances will Purchaser have a right of set-off. If Purchaser fails to make any payment as required, Purchaser agrees to indemnify Zippak for all associated costs incurred by Zippak, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs.

4. Credit Approval. All shipments are subject to approval by Zippak’ credit department. Zippak may invoice Purchaser and recover for each shipment as a separate transaction. If, in Zippak’ sole judgment, Purchaser’s financial condition is or becomes unsatisfactory, then Zippak may, without prejudice to any of its other remedies: (a) defer or decline to make any shipments except upon receipt of satisfactory security or cash payments in advance; and/or (b) terminate any or all of Purchaser’s purchase orders.

5. Cancellation or Modification. Once Zippak has accepted a purchase order or begun taking actions with respect to a purchase order, Purchaser cannot cancel or modify that purchase order except with
Zippak’ written consent. In such event, Purchaser will be liable for cancellation or modification charges and all costs incurred and committed for the order or in connection with the cancellation or modification, as applicable, together with a reasonable allowance for prorated expenses and anticipated profits.

6. Inspection / Non-Conforming Shipments. Purchaser may inspect Products for a period of 15 business days after delivery (“Inspection Period”). Purchaser must notify Zippak in writing of any Products that do not conform to the specifications applicable to their sale within the Inspection Period and afford Zippak a reasonable opportunity to inspect such Products and cure any nonconformity. If Purchaser fails to provide Zippak such written notice within the Inspection Period, Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the Products. Purchaser may not return any Product without Zippak’ prior written authorization. Any return authorized by Zippak must be made in accordance with Zippak’ return policies. Purchaser will be responsible for all costs associated with returns of Products and will bear the risk of loss, unless Zippak agrees otherwise in writing or determines that the Products do not conform to the applicable terms of sale. Any variation in quantities shipped over or under those ordered (not to exceed 10%) will constitute compliance with Purchaser’s order, and the stated price per item will continue to apply.

7. Delivery. Zippak anticipates use of common carriers for shipment of Products. The carrier, and not Zippak, will bill for freight rates and other shipping charges. Payments for such charges shall be paid by Purchaser directly to the carrier. All Products will be shipped F.O.B. Zippak’ facility. Shipping dates are approximate and are based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information from Purchaser. Zippak may ship items in a single or multiple shipments. Title to the Products and risk of loss shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery to the common carrier at Zippak’ facility. Purchaser assumes all risk and liability for loss and use or misuse by third parties who acquire or use the Products illicitly after delivery. Purchaser must notify Zippak and the delivering carrier within 15 business days from date of receipt of Products, of any damage or shortage, and afford Zippak a reasonable opportunity to inspect the Products. Any loss occasioned by damage or shrinkage in transit will be for Purchaser’s account, and claims for such loss must be made solely against the carrier.

8. Limited Warranty. Zippak warrants that it will convey the Products free and clear of all liens, security interests and encumbrances created by, through or under Zippak. Zippak further warrants that for a period of 6 months from the date of delivery to the common carrier (the “Warranty Period”), under normal use and given proper installation and maintenance as determined by Zippak, the Products: (a) will conform to mutually agreed upon written specifications or other descriptions; and (b) will be free from substantial defects in material and workmanship. In the event of a breach of the warranties set forth above (the “Warranties”), Zippak will, at Zippak’ option and as Zippak’ sole liability and Purchaser’s sole remedy, repair, replace or credit Purchaser’s account for, any Product that fails to conform to the Warranties, provided that (i) during the Warranty Period Zippak is promptly notified in writing upon discovery of such failure with a detailed explanation of any alleged deficiencies; (ii) Zippak is given a reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims; and (iii) Zippak’ examination of such Product confirms the alleged deficiencies and that the deficiencies were not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, improper installation, unauthorized alteration or repair or improper testing. No Products may be returned to Zippak until inspection and approval by Zippak. The Warranty against defects does not apply to: (1) consumable components or ordinary wear items; or (2) use of the Products with equipment, components or parts not specified or supplied by Zippak or contemplated under the Product documentation.

9. Service Warranty. Zippak warrants that (a) it will perform Services in a timely, competent and professional manner and in accordance with industry standards; and (b) the Services shall conform to any mutually agreed upon specifications or statements of work. Purchaser’s sole remedy, and Zippak’ sole liability, for a breach of the foregoing warranty is for Zippak, at its option, to re-perform the Services or credit Purchaser’s account for such Services.


11. Product Use. Purchaser is solely responsible for determining if a Product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for Purchaser’s method of application. Accordingly, and due to the nature and manner of use of Zippak’ Products, Zippak is not responsible for the results or consequences of use, misuse or application of its Products. All physical properties, statements and recommendations are either based on the tests or experience that Zippak believes to be reliable, but they are not guaranteed.

12. Tooling/Molds/Dies. All material, equipment, facilities and special tooling (including tools, jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, special taps, special gauges, special test equipment and manufacturing aids and replacements thereof) used in the manufacture of the Products will remain the property of Zippak. Any material, tooling or equipment furnished to Zippak by Purchaser will remain the property of Purchaser with title to and right of possession remaining in Purchaser.

13. Consignment. If Products are sold on a consignment basis, title in such Products will not pass to Purchaser until the earlier of: (a) the time the Product is removed from inventory for use; or (b) the date that is 90 days from the Product’s shipment date. Zippak will have a purchase money security interest in consigned Products and may file a financing statement in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code. Purchaser agrees to store consigned Products in a segregated area and will install and/or maintain any signs or other devices to clearly identify the Products as Zippak Products. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss of all consigned Products. Purchaser shall insure consigned Products at Purchaser’s expense in amounts at least equal to the replacement value.

14. Ownership of Intellectual Property. All drawings, know-how, designs, specifications, inventions, devices, developments, processes, copyrights and other information or intellectual property disclosed or otherwise provided to Purchaser by Zippak and all rights therein (collectively, “Intellectual Property”) will remain the property of Zippak and will be kept confidential by Purchaser in accordance with these Terms. Purchaser has no claim to, nor ownership interest in, any Intellectual Property, and such
information, in whatever form and any copies thereof, shall be promptly returned to Zippak upon request from Zippak. Purchaser acknowledges that no license or rights of any sort are granted to Purchaser hereunder in respect of any Intellectual Property, other than the limited right to use Zippak’ Products or receive the Services purchased from Zippak.

15. Use of Trademarks and Trade Names. Purchaser shall not use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, Zippak’ name, or any other trademark or trade name that is now or may hereafter be owned by Zippak (collectively the “Trademarks”), as part of Purchaser’s corporate or business name, or in any way in connection with Purchaser’s business, except in a manner and to the extent authorized herein or otherwise approved by Zippak in writing. Purchaser hereby acknowledges Zippak’ ownership of the Trademarks and the goodwill associated therewith. Purchaser shall not infringe upon, harm or contest the validity of any Trademarks. Purchaser shall be entitled to use the Trademarks only in connection with the promotion or sale of the Authorized Products pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. Purchaser shall reproduce the Trademarks exactly as specified by Zippak. Purchaser shall not use the Trademarks in combination with any other trademarks or names. Purchaser agrees that it will not register or attempt to register any Trademark or any colorable imitation thereof (including any non-English language variation thereof), or use such Trademarks for any products or for any purposes other than those set forth in the Agreement. Purchaser shall not at any time during or after termination of the Agreement use in its business any other trademark that is similar to or in any way resembles the Trademarks so as to be likely to cause deception or confusion with the Trademarks. Purchaser shall provide reasonable cooperation to Zippak with respect to any efforts of Zippak to protect, defend or enforce its rights to the Trademarks. Should Purchaser cease being an authorized customer of Zippak for any reason, Purchaser shall immediately discontinue any formerly permitted use of Zippak’ name or the Trademarks.

16. Confidential Information. All information furnished or made available by Zippak to Purchaser in connection with the subject matter hereof shall be held in confidence by Purchaser. Purchaser agrees not to use (directly or indirectly), or disclose to others, such information without Zippak’ prior written consent. The obligations in this section will not apply to any information that: (a) at the time of disclosure was or thereafter becomes generally available to the public by publication or otherwise through no breach by Purchaser of any obligation herein; (b) Purchaser can show by written records was in Purchaser’s possession prior to disclosure by Zippak; or (c) is legally made available to Purchaser by or through a third party having no direct or indirect confidentiality obligation to Zippak with respect to such information.

17. Audit. Unless agreed to in writing by an officer of Zippak, neither Purchaser nor any Purchaser representative, may examine or audit Zippak’ cost accounts, books or records of any kind or any matter, or any other data that Zippak, in its sole discretion, considers confidential or proprietary.

18. Infringement and Indemnification. Except as set forth below, Zippak agrees to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any claims, costs, damages, liability and expenses resulting from actual patent, trademark or copyright infringement, misappropriation of confidential information, or violation of any other Intellectual Property right, domestic or foreign that may arise from the sale of Zippak’ proprietary Product to Purchaser as such pertains to the subject matter of the Agreement (each, a “Claim”); provided, however, (a) Purchaser supplies Zippak written notice of such Claim immediately after the Purchaser has notice of such Claim, (b) Purchaser cooperates with Zippak in the defense and settlement of such Claim; and (c) Purchaser allows Zippak the right to defend and settle such Claim at Zippak’ expense If a suit or claim results in any injunction or order that would prevent Zippak from
supplying any part or Product falling under the Agreement, or if the result of such a suit or claim would, in the reasonable opinion of Zippak, otherwise cause Zippak to be unable to supply such parts or Products, Zippak may do one or more of the following: (i) secure an appropriate license to permit Zippak to continue supplying those parts or Products; (ii) modify the appropriate part or Product so that it becomes non-infringing; (iii) replace the appropriate part or Product with a non-infringing but practically equivalent part or Product; or (iv) if Zippak cannot reasonably accomplish the actions specified in subsections (i) – (iii), then in Zippak’ sole discretion, Zippak may discontinue selling the part or Product without any further liability to Purchaser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Zippak shall have no liability or duty to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any Claim relating to: (1) the use of any part or Product, (2) the combination of any part or Product with any other part or product not supplied by Zippak, or (3) any part or Product or process that is designed or specified by Purchaser.

19. Service Terms. The following terms and conditions apply to any on-site Services provided by Zippak:

A. Services will be provided at Zippak’ then current service rates.

B. Purchaser shall prepare the site for the Services. If the site is not prepared for the Services upon Zippak service personnel’s arrival at the agreed upon time and date for Services, Zippak may charge Purchaser for any delay and/or travel time at Zippak’ regular service rates.

C. Purchaser shall provide Zippak with advance notice of any rules, regulations, statutes and requirements applicable to the Services, including any required permits and licenses, that are applicable to Purchaser’s local jurisdiction.

D. Zippak may refuse, without any liability, to provide Services and to allow Zippak service personnel to suspend Services or vacate any site where, in Zippak’ opinion, performance of Services would pose a risk to the safety of any person. In such event, Purchaser is responsible for payment of any delay and/or travel time at Zippak’ regular service rates.

E. Purchaser is solely liable for all damages or injuries caused or contributed to by Purchaser that may occur on the site, except to the extent damages or injuries are directly caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Zippak service personnel.

F. Purchaser must provide at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation of any Service order. If Purchaser cancels with less than 24 hours’ notice, Purchaser is responsible for any costs incurred by Zippak caused by such cancellation.

20. Compliance. Purchaser agrees to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances and laws applicable to Purchaser’s obligations hereunder and Purchaser’s use of the Products and Services, including import/export laws, labor laws and anti-corruption laws.

21. Relationship of the Parties. Nothing in the Agreement or the course of dealing of the parties may be construed to constitute the parties hereto as partners, joint venturers or as agents for one another or as authorizing either party to obligate the other in any manner.

22. Force Majeure. Zippak will not be responsible for failure to perform in a timely manner under the Agreement when its failure results from events beyond its reasonable control (an event of “Force Majeure”), including acts of God, epidemics, acts of war whether declared or undeclared, blockades, labor disputes (whether of Zippak’ employees or the employees of others), raw material shortages and material increases in costs of raw materials. In the event of Force Majeure, the time for performance will extend for such time as reasonably necessary to enable Zippak to perform.

23. Assignment; Binding Effect. No assignment of any rights or interest or delegation of any obligation of Purchaser under the Agreement or Purchaser’s purchase order may be made without Zippak’ prior written consent. Any attempted assignment will be void. Zippak may assign the Agreement or otherwise transfer its rights and/or obligations under the Agreement. The Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

24. Waiver. In the event of any default by Purchaser, Zippak may decline to ship Products or provide Services. If Zippak elects to continue shipping or otherwise fails to insist upon strict compliance with the Agreement, Zippak’ actions will not constitute a waiver of Purchaser’s default or any other existing or future default, or affect Zippak’ legal remedies.

25. Bankruptcy. If either party becomes insolvent, is unable to pay its debts when due, files for or is the subject of involuntary bankruptcy, has a receiver appointed or has its assets assigned, the other party may cancel any unfulfilled obligations hereunder.

26. Choice of Law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the Agreement and/or any Products or Services will be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Netherlands. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to the Agreement. All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The arbitration shall take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands and shall be conducted in English.

27. Survival. Any provisions in the Agreement which, by their nature, extend beyond the termination or expiration of any sale of Products or Services, will remain in effect until fulfilled.

28. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining provisions herein will remain in effect.

29. Integration and Modification. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Zippak and Purchaser with respect to the Products and Services covered by the Agreement, and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, representations and quotations with respect thereto. No modification hereof will be of any effect unless in writing and signed by the party to be bound thereby.

30. Child-Resistant & Child-Deterrent Products. All references by Zip Pak to “Child Resistant” refer solely to the possibility that the applicable Products can be part of packaging that may satisfy the requirements of the U.S. Poison Prevention Packaging Act and related regulations (16 CFR 1700) (the “PPPA Requirements”). All references by Zip Pak to “Child-Deterrent” (or other similar phrases) refer generally to packaging meant to discourage young children from opening it, however such Products have not undergone any formal testing for child resistance or deterrence. Products, as packaging components, do not satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other packaging requirement or standard on their own, and Zip Pak expressly rejects and revokes any statement to the contrary. Certain Products have been included on packaging that satisfies the PPPA Requirements, but no statement by Zip Pak is a guarantee that any specific packaging containing Products will satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other laws, rules, regulations, standards or requirements. Purchaser hereby releases and indemnifies Zip Pak and affiliates from and against all claims and liabilities arising out of or related to packaging containing Products that is not sufficiently resistant and/or deterrent. All testing parameters, conditions and assumptions included in any lab test or third-party analysis or certification are integral to the results of such, and Zip Pak makes no guarantee that any such results will be repeatable or are applicable in different situations. Purchaser will not in any way state that any packaging including child-deterrent Products are “child resistant” (or the like).

Rev. January 2019

