Terms of Sale




Condiciones de venta

1. Aceptación. Zip Pak, una división de Illinois Tool Works Inc., en lo sucesivo “Zip Pak”, vende productos (“Productos”) o servicios (“Servicios”) al cliente que los adquiere de Zip Pak, en el presente denominado el “Comprador”. Estos términos y condiciones de venta (“Condiciones”), cualquier cotización de Zip Pak, cualquier reconocimiento o factura y todos los documentos incorporados mediante una referencia específica al presente o en ellos (“Documentos de Zip Pak” y, en conjunto con estas Condiciones, el “Contrato”), constituyen las condiciones completas que rigen la venta de los Productos y Servicios. MEDIANTE EL PRESENTE, ZIP PAK RECHAZA CUALQUIER TÉRMINO O CONDICIÓN ADICIONAL O DIFERENTE PROPUESTO POR EL COMPRADOR, CONTENIDO O NO EN CUALQUIERA DE LOS FORMULARIOS COMERCIALES DEL COMPRADOR O EN EL SITIO WEB DEL COMPRADOR, Y TALES CONDICIONES ADICIONALES O DIFERENTES NO TENDRÁN EFECTO. Ningún convenio de uso de ningún sitio ni ningún otro convenio por clic en un sitio web tendrán efecto vinculante, haga o no Zip Pak clic en “OK”, “Acepto” o cualquier reconocimiento similar. El comienzo de cualquier trabajo por parte de Zip Pak o la aceptación del Comprador de la entrega de los Productos o Servicios manifestará la aceptación del Contrato por parte del Comprador. Cualquier condición adicional o diferente aplicable a una venta particular puede especificarse en el cuerpo de un Documento de Zip Pak, o las partes pueden acordarla por escrito. En el caso de un conflicto, se aplicará el orden de precedencia siguiente: (a) condiciones acordadas por escrito y ejecutadas por un funcionario autorizado de Zip Pak; (b) condiciones de los Documentos de Zip Pak; (c) estas Condiciones.

2. Cotizaciones. Las cotizaciones solo son válidas por escrito y durante 30 días a partir de su fecha. Todas las cotizaciones están sujetas a modificaciones o a su retiro sin previo aviso al Comprador. Las cotizaciones se preparan sujetas a la aprobación crediticia del Comprador. Zip Pak puede rechazar pedidos y no tienen obligación de suministrar Productos o Servicios a no ser que Zip Pak emita un reconocimiento del pedido o después del envío de los Productos o del comienzo de los Servicios.

3. Precios y condiciones de pago. Los precios están en dólares estadounidenses y están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. Todos los pedidos se aceptan sujetos a los precios de Zip Pak en el momento del envío. Los precios no incluyen ningún impuesto sobre las ventas, al uso, al valor agregado ni de ningún otro tipo, impuestos a la importación, cargos por licencia o similares (“Cargos”) relacionados con la venta, la importación o el uso de los Productos o Servicios, y el Comprador es responsable de dichos Cargos. Si se requiere posteriormente que Zip Pak pague algún Cargo, el Comprador defenderá y mantendrá indemne a Zip Pak de los mismos. Las condiciones de pago son 30 días netos a partir de la fecha de la factura de Zip Pak. Las facturas vencidas incurrirán en intereses a una tasa de 1.5 % por mes o a la tasa máxima permitida por las leyes pertinentes. Los derechos de inspección del Comprador en el presente no afectarán las condiciones de pago. El Comprador no tendrá bajo ninguna circunstancia ningún derecho de embargo. Si el Comprador no lleva a cabo algún pago según se requiere, el Comprador acepta que indemnizará a Zip Pak por todos los costos en los que Zip Pak incurra, incluidos los honorarios legales razonables y las costas de los tribunales.

4. Aprobación crediticia. Todos los envíos están sujetos a la aprobación del departamento de crédito de Zip Pak. Zip Pak podrá facturar al Comprador y cobrar por cada envío como una transacción por separado. Si, a exclusivo criterio de Zip Pak, la condición financiera del Comprador es o se convierte en insatisfactoria, Zip Pak podrá, sin perjuicio de cualquier otro recurso que tenga disponible: (a) posponer o negarse a llevar a cabo cualquier envío, excepto después de recibir garantía o pagos en efectivo por adelantado; y (b) rescindir cualquiera o todas las órdenes de compra del Comprador.

5. Cancelación o modificación. Zip Pak podrá cancelar cualquier orden de compra o liberación en función de una orden de compra, o rescindir cualquier convenio en relación con la compra de Productos o Servicios de Zip Pak después de un aviso previo por escrito razonable al Comprador. Después de que Zip Pak haya aceptado una orden de compra o haya comenzado a llevar a cabo acciones en relación con una orden de compra, el Comprador no podrá cancelar ni modificar dicha orden de compra excepto con el consentimiento por escrito por parte de Zip Pak. En un evento tal, el Comprador será responsable de cargos de cancelación o modificación y de todos los costos en los que se incurra y que se comprometan para el pedido o en relación con la cancelación o modificación, según corresponda, en conjunto con una asignación razonable para gastos proporcionales y beneficios anticipados.

6. Inspección/falta de conformidad con los envíos. El Comprador podrá inspeccionar los Productos durante 15 días hábiles después de la entrega (“Periodo de inspección”). El Comprador deberá notificar a Zip Pak por escrito la no conformidad de cualquier producto a las especificaciones aplicables a su venta dentro del Periodo de inspección y deberá conceder a Zip Pak una oportunidad razonable de inspeccionar dichos Productos y de resolver cualquier falta de conformidad. Si el Comprador no proporciona dicha notificación por escrito a Zip Pak durante el Periodo de inspección, se considerará que el Comprador aceptó los Productos. El Comprador no podrá devolver ningún producto sin la autorización previa por escrito de Zip Pak. Cualquier devolución autorizada por Zip Pak debe llevarse a cabo según las políticas de devolución de Zip Pak. El Comprador será responsable de todos los costos relacionados con la devolución de Productos y se hará cargo del riesgo de pérdida, a no ser que Zip Pak acepte lo contrario por escrito o determine que los Productos no cumplen las condiciones de venta aplicables. Cualquier variación en las cantidades vendidas por arriba o por debajo de las pedidas (que no supere el 10 %) constituirá cumplimiento del pedido del Comprador y el precio por artículo declarado continuará aplicándose.

7. Entrega. Zip Pak anticipa el uso de transportistas comunes para el envío de los Productos. El transportista (y no Zip Pak) facturará las tarifas de envío y otros cargos relacionados. El Comprador llevará a cabo el pago de dichas tarifas y dichos cargos directamente al transportista. Todos los productos se enviarán franco a bordo en las instalaciones de Zip Pak. Las fechas de envío son aproximadas y se basan en la recepción inmediata de toda la información necesaria por parte del Comprador. Zip Pak podrá enviar los artículos en un solo envío o en múltiples envíos. La titularidad de los Productos y el riesgo de pérdida se trasladarán al Comprador cuando se entreguen al transportista común en las instalaciones de Zip Pak. El Comprador asume todos los riesgos y toda responsabilidad por la pérdida y por el uso o uso indebido por parte de terceros que adquieran o usen los Productos de manera ilícita después de la entrega. El Comprador deberá notificar a Zip Pak y al transportista dentro de los 15 días hábiles después de la recepción de los Productos sobre cualquier daño o faltante y conceder a Zip Pak una oportunidad razonable para inspeccionar los Productos. Cualquier pérdida ocasionada por daños o merma en tránsito serán a cuenta del Comprador y los reclamos por dichas pérdidas deben hacerse exclusivamente al transportista.

8. Garantía limitada. Zip Pak garantiza que entregará los Productos libres de cualquier prenda, interés de seguridad y gravamen creado por, mediante o bajo Zip Pak. Zip Pak garantiza además que durante un periodo de 6 meses a partir de la fecha de entrega al transportista común (el “Periodo de garantía”), bajo el uso normal y dados la instalación y el mantenimiento adecuados según lo determine Zip Pak, los productos: (a) cumplirán las especificaciones acordadas conjuntamente u otras descripciones; y (b) estarán libres de defectos sustanciales en materiales y mano de obra.

En el caso de un incumplimiento de las garantías establecidas más arriba (las “Garantías”), Zip Pak, a su exclusivo criterio y a su exclusiva responsabilidad, y como resolución única para el Comprador, reparará, reemplazará o acreditará la cuenta del Comprador por cualquier Producto que falle para cumplir la Garantía, siempre y cuando (i) durante el Periodo de garantía se notifique de inmediato por escrito a Zip Pak el descubrimiento de dicha falla con una explicación detallada de cualquier supuesta deficiencia; (ii) Zip Pak reciba una oportunidad razonable para investigar todos los reclamos; y (iii) el examen por parte de Zip Pak de tal Producto confirme que las supuestas deficiencias y las deficiencias no fueron producidas por accidentes, uso indebido, negligencia, desgaste normal, instalación inadecuada, alteración o reparación no autorizadas, o pruebas indebidas. No podrá devolverse ningún producto a Zip Pak hasta la inspección y la aprobación por parte de Zip Pak.
La Garantía contra defectos no se aplica: (1) a componentes que sean insumos o elementos de desgaste habitual; ni (2) al uso de los Productos con equipos, componentes o piezas que Zip Pak no especificó o proporcionó, o no contempladas bajo la documentación del Producto.


9. Garantía de servicio. Zip Pak garantiza que (a) llevará a cabo los servicios de manera oportuna, competente y profesional, y según las normas de la industria; y que (b) los Servicios cumplirán las especificaciones o las declaraciones de trabajo acordadas conjuntamente. El único recurso para el Comprador, y la única responsabilidad de Zip Pak, por la infracción de la garantía precedente es que Zip Pak, a su criterio, vuelva a llevar a cabo los Servicios o acredite la cuenta del Comprador por tales Servicios.


11. Uso del Producto. El Comprador tiene la responsabilidad exclusiva de determinar si un Producto es adecuado para un propósito en particular y apto para el método de aplicación del Comprador. En consecuencia, y debido a la índole y a la manera de uso de los productos de Zip Pak, Zip Pak no es responsable por los resultados o las consecuencias del uso, del uso indebido o de la aplicación de sus Productos. Todas las propiedades físicas, declaraciones y recomendaciones se basan en las pruebas o en la experiencia que Zip Pak cree confiables, pero no se garantizan.

12. Herramientas/moldes/matrices. Todos los materiales, los equipos, las instalaciones y los herramentales especiales (incluidos herramientas, plantillas, matrices, fixtures, moldes, patrones, grifos especiales, medidores especiales, equipos de prueba especiales y material para la producción, y sus reemplazos) utilizados en la fabricación de los Productos continuarán siendo propiedad de Zip Pak. Cualquier material, herramental o equipo que el Comprador proporcione a Zip Pak continuará siendo propiedad del Comprador y la titularidad y el derecho de posesión continuarán perteneciendo al Comprador.

13. Consignación. Si los Productos se venden en consignación, la titularidad de dichos Productos no se trasladará al Comprador hasta que se cumpla la primera de las siguientes condiciones: (a) el momento en que el Producto se quita del inventario para su uso; o (b) la fecha 90 días posterior a la fecha de envío del Producto. Zip Pak tendrá un interés de garantía del dinero de la compra en los Productos consignados y podrá presentar una declaración financiera en conformidad con el Código Comercial Uniforme. El Comprador acepta almacenar los Productos en consignación en un área aparte e instalará y mantendrá letreros u otros dispositivos para identificar claramente los Productos como Productos de Zip-Pak. El Comprador asume el riesgo de pérdida de todos los Productos en consignación. El Comprador debe asegurar los Productos en consignación a su costo y cargo por importes al menos iguales al valor de reemplazo.

14. Titularidad de la propiedad intelectual. Todos los diagramas, los conocimientos, los diseños, las especificaciones, las invenciones, los dispositivos, los procesos, los derechos de autor y otra información o propiedad intelectual que Zip Pak divulgue o proporcione de cualquier otro modo al Comprador y todos los derechos relacionados (en conjunto, “Propiedad intelectual”) permanecerán propiedad de Zip Pak y el Comprador mantendrá su confidencialidad en conformidad con estas Condiciones. El Comprador no tiene ningún reclamo ni interés de propiedad en ninguna Propiedad intelectual y dicha información, en cualquier forma y en cualquier copia, se devolverá de inmediato a Zip Pak a pedido de Zip Pak. El Comprador reconoce que no se le conceden ninguna licencia ni ningún derecho de ningún tipo mediante el presente respecto de ninguna Propiedad intelectual, más allá del derecho limitado al uso de los Productos de Zip Pack o a recibir los Servicios comprados a Zip Pak.

15. Uso de marcas y nombres comerciales. El comprador no debe usar, directa ni indirectamente, en todo ni en parte, el nombre de Zip Pak ni ninguna otra marca comercial ni ningún otro nombre comercial que sea propiedad o podría ser posteriormente propiedad de Zip Pak (en conjunto, las “Marcas comerciales”), como parte del nombre corporativo o comercial del Comprador, ni de ninguna manera en relación con el negocio del Comprador, excepto de la manera y en la medida autorizadas en el presente o aprobadas de otro modo por Zip Pak por escrito. El Comprador reconoce mediante el presente la propiedad de Zip Pak sobre las Marcas comerciales y su renombre comercial relacionado. El Comprador no infringirá, dañará ni desafiará la validez de ninguna Marca comercial. El Comprador tendrá derecho a usar las Marcas comerciales solo en relación con la promoción o venta de los Productos autorizados en conformidad con las condiciones del Contrato. El Comprador deberá reproducir las Marcas comerciales exactamente como Zip Pak lo especifique. El Comprador no utilizará las Marcas comerciales en combinación con ninguna otra marca comercial ni ningún otro nombre comercial. El Comprador acepta que no registrará ni intentará registrar ninguna Marca comercial ni ninguna imitación aparente de la misma (incluida cualquier variación de la misma que no esté en idioma inglés) ni usar dichas Marcas comerciales para ningún producto ni ningún propósito distintos a los que se establecen en el Contrato. El Comprador no usará en sus negocios en ningún momento, ni durante ni después de la finalización del Contrato, ninguna otra marca comercial igual ni similar a las Marcas comerciales de modo tal que probablemente haya engaño o confusión en relación con las Marcas comerciales. El Comprador proporcionará cooperación razonable a Zip Pak en relación con cualquier esfuerzo por parte de Zip Pak para proteger, defender o aplicar sus derechos sobre las Marcas comerciales. Si el Comprador deja de ser un cliente autorizado de Zip Pak por cualquier motivo, el Comprador abandonará de inmediato cualquier uso anteriormente autorizado del nombre de Zip Pak o de sus Marcas comerciales.

16. Información confidencial. El Comprador mantendrá la confidencialidad de toda la información proporcionada o puesta a disponibilidad del Comprador por parte de Zip Pak en relación con el asunto del presente. El Comprador acepta no usar (directa ni indirectamente) ni divulgar ante terceros dicha información sin el consentimiento previo por escrito por parte de Zip Pak. Las obligaciones de esta sección no se aplicarán a la información que: (a) en el momento de su divulgación era o posteriormente se convierte en generalmente disponible para el público por su publicación o de otro modo sin infracción por parte del Comprador de ninguna obligación del presente; (b) el Comprador pueda demostrar mediante registros escritos que estaba en su posesión antes de su divulgación por parte de Zip Pak; o (c) se ponga a disponibilidad del Comprador por parte de un tercero o mediante un tercero sin obligación directa ni indirecta de confidencialidad ante Zip Pak en relación con dicha información.

17. Auditoría. A no ser que un funcionario de Zip Pak lo acepte por escrito, ni el Comprador ni ninguno de sus representantes podrán examinar ni auditar las cuentas de costos, los libros ni los registros de Zip Pak de ningún tipo ni ningún asunto, ni ningún otro dato que Zip Pak, a su exclusivo criterio, considere confidencial o de su propiedad exclusiva.

18. Infracción e indemnidad. Excepto según se establece debajo, Zip Pak acepta defender y mantener indemne al Comprador contra cualquier reclamo, costo, daño, responsabilidad y gasto que resulte de la infracción real de patentes, marcas comerciales o copyright, apropiación indebida de información confidencial, o la infracción de cualquier otro derecho de Propiedad intelectual, nacional o extranjero, que pueda surgir de la venta del Producto de propiedad exclusiva de Zip Pak al Comprador según se relaciona con el asunto del Contrato (cada uno, un “Reclamo”); siempre y cuando, sin embargo, que, (a) el Comprador proporcione a Zip Pak un aviso por escrito de dicho Reclamo inmediatamente después de que el Comprador entre en conocimiento de dicho Reclamo, (b) el Comprador coopere con Zip Pak en la defensa y en la resolución de dicho Reclamo; y (c) el Comprador permita que Zip Pak tenga el derecho de defender y resolver dicho Reclamo a su costo y cargo Zip Pak. Si un juicio o reclamo resultan en una medida cautelar o en una orden que impiden que Zip Pak proporcione alguna pieza o algún Producto relacionados con el Contrato, o si el resultado de dicho juicio o reclamo a criterio razonable de Zip Pak provocaría de otro modo que Zip Pak no pueda suministrar dichas piezas o dichos Productos, Zip Pak puede llevar a cabo una o más de las acciones siguientes: (i) obtener una licencia adecuada para permitir que Zip Pak continúe suministrando dichas piezas o dichos Productos; (ii) modificar la pieza o el Producto adecuados para que ya no estén en infracción; (iii) reemplazar la pieza o el producto adecuados con una pieza o con un Producto que no estén en infracción pero que sean prácticamente equivalentes; o (iv) si Zip Pak no puede lograr razonablemente las acciones especificadas en las subsecciones (i) a (iii), entonces, a exclusivo criterio de Zip Pak, Zip Pak podrá interrumpir la venta de la pieza o del Producto sin ninguna responsabilidad adicional ante el Comprador. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, Zip Pak no tendrá ninguna responsabilidad ni obligación de defender y mantener indemne al Comprador contra ningún Reclamo que se relacione con: (1) el uso de cualquier pieza o Producto, (2) la combinación de cualquier pieza o Producto con cualquier otra pieza o cualquier otro Producto no suministrados por Zip Pak, o (3) cualquier Pieza, Producto o proceso que sean designados o especificados por el Comprador.

19. Empleados de Zip Pak. Los empleados de ventas y servicios de Zip Pak no tienen la capacitación ni la autoridad para llevar a cabo afirmaciones legales ni para celebrar ningún contrato o ejecutar ningún documento del Comprador que afecte las responsabilidades legales o renuncie a derechos legales, incluidos los relacionados con la transferencia de derechos de propiedad intelectual o con las leyes de privacidad. Dichos contratos, documentos o afirmaciones no serán vinculantes legalmente para Zip Pak ni para tales empleados de Zip Pak.

20. Condiciones de Servicio. Los siguientes términos y condiciones se aplican a cualquier Servicio in situ proporcionado por Zip Pak:
A. Los Servicios se proporcionarán a las tarifas actuales en ese momento para el servicio de Zip Pak.
B. El Comprador debe preparar el sitio para los Servicios. Si el sitio no está preparado para los Servicios cuando el personal de servicio de Zip Pak llega a la hora y en la fecha acordadas para los Servicios, Zip Pak podrá cobrar al Comprador cualquier demora y tiempo de viaje a las tarifas de servicio habituales de Zip Pak.
C. El Comprador debe proporcionar a Zip Pak aviso previo de cualquier regla, norma, estatuto y requisito aplicable a los Servicios, incluido cualquier permiso o licencia, que se apliquen a la jurisdicción local del Comprador.
D. Zip Pak puede negarse, sin que surja ningún tipo de responsabilidad, a proporcionar Servicios, y puede permitir al personal de servicio de Zip Pak que suspenda los Servicios o evacue cualquier sitio donde, a criterio de Zip Pak, llevar a cabo los servicios podría representar un riesgo para la seguridad de cualquier persona. En tal caso, el Comprador es responsable del pago por cualquier demora y tiempo de viaje a las tarifas de servicio habituales de Zip Pak.
E. El Comprador es el único responsable por todos los daños o las lesiones provocadas por el Comprador o a las que el Comprador aporte que podrían ocurrir en el sitio, excepto en la medida en que los daños o las lesiones sean provocadas directamente por la negligencia grave o la conducta indebida voluntaria del personal de servicio de Zip Pak.
F. El Comprador debe proporcionar un aviso previo de al menos 24 horas de la cancelación de cualquier orden de Servicio. Si el Comprador cancela con un aviso previo de menos de 24 horas de anticipación, el Comprador es responsable de cualquier costo incurrido por Zip Pak provocado por dicha cancelación.

21. Cumplimiento normativo. El Comprador acepta cumplir todas las reglas, normas, ordenanzas y leyes federales, estatales, locales y extranjeras aplicables a sus obligaciones según el presente y al uso por parte del Comprador de los Productos y Servicios, incluidas las leyes de importación o exportación, las leyes laborales y las leyes anticorrupción.

22. Relación entre las Partes. Nada en este Contrato o en el curso de las transacciones entre las partes podrá interpretarse como que las partes se establecen como asociaciones, joint ventures o agentes mutuos, ni como que autorizan a la otra parte a obligarla en ninguna manera.

23. Fuerza mayor. Zip Pak no será responsable por no cumplir oportunamente según el Contrato cuando esto resulte por eventos más allá de su control razonable (un evento de “Fuerza mayor”), incluidos casos fortuitos, epidemias, actos de guerra declarada o no declarada, bloqueos, disputas laborales (de los empleados de Zip Pak o de terceros), falta de materias primas y aumentos sustanciales en el costo de las materias primas. En el caso de Fuerza mayor, el tiempo de cumplimiento se extenderá al razonablemente necesario para permitir que Zip Pak cumpla.

24. Cesión; efecto vinculante. No podrá llevarse a cabo ninguna cesión de ningún derecho o interés, ni delegación de ninguna obligación del Comprador según el Contrato ni de ninguna orden de compra del Comprador sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Zip Pak. Cualquier intento de cesión será nulo. Zip Pak podrá ceder el Contrato o transferir de cualquier otro modo sus derechos y obligaciones según el Contrato. El Contrato redundará en beneficio de las partes y será vinculante para las partes y sus sucesores y cesionarios respectivos permitidos.

25. Renuncia. En el caso de cualquier incumplimiento por parte del Comprador, Zip Pak podrá negarse a enviar Productos o a proporcionar Servicios. Si Zip Pak opta por continuar los envíos o no insiste sobre el cumplimiento estricto del Contrato, las acciones de Zip Pak no constituirán una renuncia por el incumplimiento del Comprador ni por ningún incumplimiento existente o futuro, ni afectarán los recursos legales de Zip Pak.

26. Quiebra. Si alguna de las partes se convierte en insolvente, no puede pagar sus deudas cuando vencen, presenta quiebra o es sujeta a quiebra involuntaria, o se le asigna un interventor o sus activos se ceden, la otra parte podrá cancelar cualquier obligación pendiente según el presente.

27. Limitación de las acciones/opción de jurisdicción. Cualquier disputa que surja del Contrato o que se relacione con el Contrato se regirá e interpretará según las leyes del estado de Illinois y se litigará exclusivamente en un tribunal estatal o federal ubicado en el condado de Cook, Illinois. Las partes del presente explícitamente omiten y renuncian a cualquier derecho de juicio por jurado y consienten a que cualquier disputa solo se presente ante un tribunal de jurisdicción competente. Las partes acuerdan que la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías no se aplicará al Contrato.

28. Supervivencia. Cualquier disposición del Contrato que, por su índole, se extienda más allá de la rescisión o del vencimiento de cualquier venta de Productos o Servicios continuará en efecto hasta que se cumpla.

29. Divisibilidad. Si cualquier disposición del presente se determina ilegal o no aplicable, el resto de las disposiciones del presente continuarán en pleno efecto.

30. Integración y modificación. El Contrato constituye el acuerdo completo entre Zip Pak y el Comprador en relación con los Productos y Servicios que el Contrato abarca, y rige sobre todos los demás acuerdos, entendimientos, afirmaciones y cotizaciones en relación con él. Ninguna modificación del presente tendrá ningún efecto a no ser que sea por escrito y esté firmada por la parte que se verá obligada legalmente por ella.

31.  Productos de seguridad para los niños y productos disuasivos para los niños. Todas las referencias por parte de Zip Pak a “Seguridad para los niños” se refieren exclusivamente a que los Productos correspondientes puedan ser parte de envases que puedan satisfacer los requisitos de la Ley de Envases para la Prevención de las Intoxicaciones de los EE. UU. (U.S. Poison Prevention Packaging Act) y normativas relacionadas (16 CFR 1700) (los “Requisitos de PPPA”). Todas las referencias por parte de Zip Pak a “Disuasivo para los niños” (o frases similares) generalmente se refieren a envases destinados a disuadir a los niños más pequeños a que no los abran; sin embargo, dichos Productos no se sometieron a ninguna prueba formal de seguridad para los niños o de disuasión para los niños. Los Productos, como componentes de envasado, no satisfacen los Requisitos de PPPA ni ningún otro requisito o norma de envasado por su cuenta, y Zip Pak rechaza y revoca explícitamente cualquier declaración contraria. Determinados Productos se incluyeron en envases que satisfacen los Requisitos de PPPA, pero ninguna declaración por parte de Zip Pak es garantía de que los envases específicos que contengan Productos satisfarán los Requisitos de PPPA o cualquier otra ley, regla, norma, estándar o requisito. Mediante el presente, el comprador libera y mantiene indemne a Zip Pak y a sus filiales contra todo reclamo que surja o se relacione con los envases que contienen Productos que no son suficientemente resistentes o disuasivos. Todos los parámetros, las condiciones y las suposiciones de las pruebas que se incluyan en cualquier prueba de laboratorio, análisis de terceros o certificación son integrales a sus resultados y Zip Pak no ofrece ninguna garantía de que dichos resultados serán repetibles o aplicables en situaciones distintas. El Comprador no declarará de ninguna manera que cualquier envase, incluidos los Productos disuasivos para los niños, son “de seguridad para los niños” (ni expresiones similares).

Rev. January 2019





The Customer’s attention is specifically drawn to Sections 8 and 10 below (Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability and Remedies).

1. Acceptance. Supreme Plastics, a division of ITW Limited, herein referred to as “Supreme Plastics”, is selling products (“Products”) or services (“Services”) to the customer purchasing Products or Services from Supreme Plastics, herein referred to as “Purchaser”. These terms and conditions of sale (“Terms”), any Supreme Plastics quotation, acknowledgment or invoice and all documents incorporated by specific reference herein or therein (“Supreme Plastics Documents” and together with these Terms, the “Agreement”), constitute the complete terms governing the sale of Products and Services. SUPREME PLASTICS HEREBY REJECTS ANY ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS OR CONDITIONS PROPOSED BY PURCHASER, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINED IN ANY OF PURCHASER’S BUSINESS FORMS OR IN PURCHASER’S WEBSITE, AND SUCH ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS WILL BE OF NO EFFECT. No site usage agreement or any other click through agreement on a website will have any binding effect whether or not Supreme Plastics clicks on an “ok,” “I accept,” or similar acknowledgment. Commencement of any work by Supreme Plastics or Purchaser’s acceptance of delivery of the Products or Services will manifest Purchaser’s assent to the Agreement. Additional or different terms applicable to a particular sale may be specified in the body of a Supreme Plastics Document or agreed to in writing by the parties. In the event of a conflict, the following order of precedence will apply: (a) terms agreed to in writing and executed by an authorized officer of Supreme Plastics; (b) Supreme Plastics Document terms; (c) these Terms.

2. Quotations. Quotations are only valid in writing and for 30 days from the date of the quotation. All quotations are subject to change or withdrawal without prior notice to Purchaser. Quotations are made subject to approval of Purchaser’s credit. Supreme Plastics may refuse orders and has no obligation to supply Products or Services unless Supreme Plastics issues an order acknowledgement or upon the shipment of Products or commencement of Services.

3. Prices and Payment Terms. Prices are subject to change without notice. All orders are accepted subject to Supreme Plastics’ price in effect at time of shipment. Prices do not include any sales, use, value-added or other taxes, VAT, import duties, license fees or like charges (“Fees”) related to the sale, importation or use of Products or Services, and Purchaser is responsible for those Fees. If Supreme Plastics is subsequently required to pay any Fees, Purchaser shall fully defend and indemnify Supreme Plastics therefor. Terms of payment are 30 days net from the date of Supreme Plastics’ invoice. Overdue invoices will incur interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, or at the maximum rate allowable by governing law. Purchaser’s inspection rights herein will not affect the payment terms. Under no circumstances will Purchaser have a right of set-off. If Purchaser fails to make any payment as required, Purchaser agrees to indemnify Supreme Plastics for all associated costs incurred by Supreme Plastics, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs.

4. Credit Approval. All shipments are subject to approval by Supreme Plastics’ credit department. Supreme Plastics may invoice Purchaser and recover for each shipment as a separate transaction. If, in Supreme Plastics’ sole judgment, Purchaser’s financial condition is or becomes unsatisfactory, then Supreme Plastics may, without prejudice to any of its other remedies: (a) defer or decline to make any shipments except upon receipt of satisfactory security or cash payments in advance; and/or (b) terminate any or all of Purchaser’s purchase orders.

5. Cancellation or Modification. Supreme Plastics may cancel any purchase order or release thereunder, or terminate any agreement relating to the purchase of Supreme Plastics’ Products or Services upon reasonable prior written notice to Purchaser. Once Supreme Plastics has accepted a purchase order or begun taking actions with respect to a purchase order, Purchaser cannot cancel or modify that purchase order except with Supreme Plastics’ written consent. In such event, Purchaser will be liable for cancellation or modification charges and all costs incurred and committed for the order or in connection with the cancellation or modification, as applicable, together with a reasonable allowance for prorated expenses and anticipated profits.

6. Inspection / Non-Conforming Shipments. Purchaser may inspect Products for a period of 15 business days after delivery (“Inspection Period”). Purchaser must notify Supreme Plastics in writing of any Products that do not conform to the specifications applicable to their sale within the Inspection Period and afford Supreme Plastics a reasonable opportunity to inspect such Products and cure any nonconformity. If Purchaser fails to provide Supreme Plastics such written notice within the Inspection Period, Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the Products. Purchaser may not return any Product without Supreme Plastics’ prior written authorization. Any return authorized by Supreme Plastics must be made in accordance with Supreme Plastics’ return policies. Purchaser will be responsible for all costs associated with returns of Products and will bear the risk of loss, unless Supreme Plastics agrees otherwise in writing or determines that the Products do not conform to the applicable terms of sale. Any variation in quantities shipped over or under those ordered (not to exceed 10%) will constitute compliance with Purchaser’s order, and the stated price per item will continue to apply.

7. Delivery. Supreme Plastics anticipates use of common carriers for shipment of Products. The carrier, and not Supreme Plastics, will bill for freight rates and other shipping charges. Payments for such charges shall be paid by Purchaser directly to the carrier. All Products will be shipped F.O.B. Supreme Plastics’ facility. Shipping dates are approximate and are based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information from Purchaser. Supreme Plastics may ship items in a single or multiple shipments. Title to the Products and risk of loss shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery to the common carrier at Supreme Plastics’ facility. Purchaser assumes all risk and liability for loss and use or misuse by third parties who acquire or use the Products illicitly after delivery. Purchaser must notify Supreme Plastics and the delivering carrier within 15 business days from date of receipt of Products, of any damage or shortage, and afford Supreme Plastics a reasonable opportunity to inspect the Products. Any loss occasioned by damage or shrinkage in transit will be for Purchaser’s account, and claims for such loss must be made solely against the carrier.

8. Limited Warranty. Supreme Plastics warrants that it will convey the Products free and clear of all liens, security interests and encumbrances created by, through or under Supreme Plastics. Supreme Plastics further warrants that for a period of 6 months from the date of delivery to the common carrier (the “Warranty Period”), under normal use and given proper installation and maintenance as determined by Supreme Plastics, the Products: (a) will conform to mutually agreed upon written specifications or other descriptions; and (b) will be free from substantial defects in material and workmanship. In the event of a breach of the warranties set forth above (the “Warranties”), Supreme Plastics will, at Supreme Plastics’ option and as Supreme Plastics’ sole liability and Purchaser’s sole remedy, repair, replace or credit Purchaser’s account for, any Product that fails to conform to the Warranties, provided that (i) during the Warranty Period Supreme Plastics is promptly notified in writing upon discovery of such failure with a detailed explanation of any alleged deficiencies; (ii) Supreme Plastics is given a reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims; and (iii) Supreme Plastics’ examination of such Product
confirms the alleged deficiencies and that the deficiencies were not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, improper installation, unauthorized alteration or repair or improper testing. No Products may be returned to Supreme Plastics until inspection and approval by Supreme Plastics. The Warranty against defects does not apply to: (1) consumable components or ordinary wear items; or (2) use of the Products with equipment, components or parts not specified or supplied by Supreme Plastics or contemplated under the Product documentation. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH HEREIN, SUPREME PLASTICS MAKES NO WARRANTY, PROMISSORY CONDITIONS OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE). ADDITIONALLY, SUPREME PLASTICS HEREBY EXCLUDES ANY AND ALL CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND SATISFACTORY QUALITY

9. Service Warranty. Supreme Plastics warrants that (a) it will perform Services in a timely, competent and professional manner and in accordance with industry standards; and (b) the Services shall conform to any mutually agreed upon specifications or statements of work. Purchaser’s sole remedy, and Supreme Plastics’ sole liability, for a breach of the foregoing warranty is for Supreme Plastics, at its option, to re-perform the Services or credit Purchaser’s account for such Services.


11. Product Use. Purchaser is solely responsible for determining if a Product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for Purchaser’s method of application. Accordingly, and due to the nature and manner of use of Supreme Plastics’ Products, Supreme Plastics is not responsible for the results or consequences of use, misuse or application of its Products. All physical properties, statements and recommendations are either based on the tests or experience that Supreme Plastics believes to be reliable, but they are not guaranteed.

12. Tooling/Molds/Dies. All material, equipment, facilities and special tooling (including tools, jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, special taps, special gauges, special test equipment and manufacturing aids and replacements thereof) used in the manufacture of the Products will remain the property of Supreme Plastics. Any material, tooling or equipment furnished to Supreme Plastics by Purchaser will remain the property of Purchaser with title to and right of possession remaining in Purchaser.

13. Consignment. If Products are sold on a consignment basis, title in such Products will not pass to Purchaser until the earlier of: (a) the time the Product is removed from inventory for use; or (b) the date that is 90 days from the Product’s shipment date. Supreme Plastics will have a purchase money security interest in consigned Products and may file a financing statement in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code. Purchaser agrees to store consigned Products in a segregated area and will install and/or maintain any signs or other devices to clearly identify the Products as Supreme Plastics Products.
Purchaser assumes the risk of loss of all consigned Products. Purchaser shall insure consigned Products at Purchaser’s expense in amounts at least equal to the replacement value.

14. Ownership of Intellectual Property. All drawings, know-how, designs, specifications, inventions, devices, developments, processes, copyrights and other information or intellectual property disclosed or otherwise provided to Purchaser by Supreme Plastics and all rights therein (collectively, “Intellectual Property”) will remain the property of Supreme Plastics and will be kept confidential by Purchaser in accordance with these Terms. Purchaser has no claim to, nor ownership interest in, any Intellectual Property, and such information, in whatever form and any copies thereof, shall be promptly returned to Supreme Plastics upon request from Supreme Plastics. Purchaser acknowledges that no license or rights of any sort are granted to Purchaser hereunder in respect of any Intellectual Property, other than the limited right to use Supreme Plastics’ Products or receive the Services purchased from Supreme Plastics.

15. Use of Trademarks and Trade Names. Purchaser shall not use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, Supreme Plastics’ name, or any other trademark or trade name that is now or may hereafter be owned by Supreme Plastics (collectively the “Trademarks”), as part of Purchaser’s corporate or business name, or in any way in connection with Purchaser’s business, except in a manner and to the extent authorized herein or otherwise approved by Supreme Plastics in writing. Purchaser hereby acknowledges Supreme Plastics’ ownership of the Trademarks and the goodwill associated therewith. Purchaser shall not infringe upon, harm or contest the validity of any Trademarks. Purchaser shall be entitled to use the Trademarks only in connection with the promotion or sale of the Authorized Products pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. Purchaser shall reproduce the Trademarks exactly as specified by Supreme Plastics. Purchaser shall not use the Trademarks in combination with any other trademarks or names. Purchaser agrees that it will not register or attempt to register any Trademark or any colorable imitation thereof (including any non-English language variation thereof), or use such Trademarks for any products or for any purposes other than those set forth in the Agreement. Purchaser shall not at any time during or after termination of the Agreement use in its business any other trademark that is similar to or in any way resembles the Trademarks so as to be likely to cause deception or confusion with the Trademarks. Purchaser shall provide reasonable cooperation to Supreme Plastics with respect to any efforts of Supreme Plastics to protect, defend or enforce its rights to the Trademarks. Should Purchaser cease being an authorized customer of Supreme Plastics for any reason, Purchaser shall immediately discontinue any formerly permitted use of Supreme Plastics’ name or the Trademarks.

16. Confidential Information. All information furnished or made available by Supreme Plastics to Purchaser in connection with the subject matter hereof shall be held in confidence by Purchaser. Purchaser agrees not to use (directly or indirectly), or disclose to others, such information without Supreme Plastics’ prior written consent. The obligations in this section will not apply to any information that: (a) at the time of disclosure was or thereafter becomes generally available to the public by publication or otherwise through no breach by Purchaser of any obligation herein; (b) Purchaser can show by written records was in Purchaser’s possession prior to disclosure by Supreme Plastics; or (c) is legally made available to Purchaser by or through a third party having no direct or indirect confidentiality obligation to Supreme Plastics with respect to such information.

17. Audit. Unless agreed to in writing by an officer of Supreme Plastics, neither Purchaser nor any Purchaser representative, may examine or audit Supreme Plastics’ cost accounts, books or records of any kind or any matter, or any other data that Supreme Plastics, in its sole discretion, considers confidential or proprietary.

18. Infringement and Indemnification. Except as set forth below, Supreme Plastics agrees to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any claims, costs, damages, liability and expenses resulting from actual patent, trademark or copyright infringement, misappropriation of confidential information, or violation of any other Intellectual Property right, domestic or foreign that may arise from the sale of Supreme Plastics’ proprietary Product to Purchaser as such pertains to the subject matter of the Agreement (each, a “Claim”); provided, however, (a) Purchaser supplies Supreme Plastics written notice of such Claim immediately after the Purchaser has notice of such Claim, (b) Purchaser cooperates with Supreme Plastics in the defense and settlement of such Claim; and (c) Purchaser allows Supreme Plastics the right to defend and settle such Claim at Supreme Plastics’ expense If a suit or claim results in any injunction or order that would prevent Supreme Plastics from supplying any part or Product falling under the Agreement, or if the result of such a suit or claim would, in the reasonable opinion of Supreme Plastics, otherwise cause Supreme Plastics to be unable to supply such parts or Products, Supreme Plastics may do one or more of the following: (i) secure an appropriate license to permit Supreme Plastics to continue supplying those parts or Products; (ii) modify the appropriate part or Product so that it becomes non-infringing; (iii) replace the appropriate part or Product with a non-infringing but practically equivalent part or Product; or (iv) if Supreme Plastics cannot reasonably accomplish the actions specified in subsections (i) – (iii), then in Supreme Plastics’ sole discretion, Supreme Plastics may discontinue selling the part or Product without any further liability to Purchaser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Supreme Plastics shall have no liability or duty to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any Claim relating to: (1) the use of any part or Product, (2) the combination of any part or Product with any other part or product not supplied by Supreme Plastics, or (3) any part or Product or process that is designed or specified by Purchaser.

19. Supreme Plastics Employees. Supreme Plastics sales and service employees do not have the training or authority to make legal representations or enter into any agreements or execute any Purchaser documents affecting legal responsibilities or waiving legal rights, including those regarding the transfer of intellectual property rights or related to privacy laws. Any such representations, agreements or documents will not be binding on Supreme Plastics or such Supreme Plastics employees.

20. Service Terms. The following terms and conditions apply to any on-site Services provided by Supreme Plastics:

A. Services will be provided at Supreme Plastics’ then current service rates.

B. Purchaser shall prepare the site for the Services. If the site is not prepared for the Services upon Supreme Plastics service personnel’s arrival at the agreed upon time and date for Services, Supreme Plastics may charge Purchaser for any delay and/or travel time at Supreme Plastics’ regular service rates.

C. Purchaser shall provide Supreme Plastics with advance notice of any rules, regulations, statutes and requirements applicable to the Services, including any required permits and licenses, that are applicable to Purchaser’s local jurisdiction.

D. Supreme Plastics may refuse, without any liability, to provide Services and to allow Supreme Plastics service personnel to suspend Services or vacate any site where, in Supreme Plastics’ opinion, performance of Services would pose a risk to the safety of any person. In such event, Purchaser is responsible for payment of any delay and/or travel time at Supreme Plastics’ regular service rates.

E. Purchaser is solely liable for all damages or injuries caused or contributed to by Purchaser that may occur on the site, except to the extent damages or injuries are directly caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Supreme Plastics service personnel.

F. Purchaser must provide at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation of any Service order. If Purchaser
cancels with less than 24 hours’ notice, Purchaser is responsible for any costs incurred by Supreme Plastics caused by such cancellation.

21. Compliance. Purchaser agrees to comply with all federal, state, local and foreign rules, regulations, ordinances and laws applicable to Purchaser’s obligations hereunder and Purchaser’s use of the Products and Services, including import/export laws, labor laws and anti-corruption laws.

22. Relationship of the Parties. Nothing in the Agreement or the course of dealing of the parties may be construed to constitute the parties hereto as partners, joint venturers or as agents for one another or as authorizing either party to obligate the other in any manner.

23. Force Majeure. Supreme Plastics will not be responsible for failure to perform in a timely manner under the Agreement when its failure results from events beyond its reasonable control (an event of “Force Majeure”), including acts of God, epidemics, acts of war whether declared or undeclared, blockades, labor disputes (whether of Supreme Plastics’ employees or the employees of others), raw material shortages and material increases in costs of raw materials. In the event of Force Majeure, the time for performance will extend for such time as reasonably necessary to enable Supreme Plastics to perform.

24. Assignment; Binding Effect. No assignment of any rights or interest or delegation of any obligation of Purchaser under the Agreement or Purchaser’s purchase order may be made without Supreme Plastics’ prior written consent. Any attempted assignment will be void. Supreme Plastics may assign the Agreement or otherwise transfer its rights and/or obligations under the Agreement. The Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

25. Waiver. In the event of any default by Purchaser, Supreme Plastics may decline to ship Products or provide Services. If Supreme Plastics elects to continue shipping or otherwise fails to insist upon strict compliance with the Agreement, Supreme Plastics’ actions will not constitute a waiver of Purchaser’s default or any other existing or future default, or affect Supreme Plastics’ legal remedies.

26. Bankruptcy. If either party becomes insolvent, is unable to pay its debts when due, files for or is the subject of involuntary bankruptcy, has a receiver appointed or has its assets assigned, the other party may cancel any unfulfilled obligations hereunder.

27. Limitation of Actions/Choice of Law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the Agreement and/or any Products or Services will be governed by and construed according to the laws of England and litigated exclusively in the courts of England. The parties hereto expressly release and waive any and all rights to a jury trial and consent to have any dispute heard solely by a court of competent jurisdiction. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to the Agreement.

28. Survival. Any provisions in the Agreement which, by their nature, extend beyond the termination or expiration of any sale of Products or Services, will remain in effect until fulfilled.

29. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining provisions herein will remain in effect.

30. Integration and Modification. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Supreme Plastics and Purchaser with respect to the Products and Services covered by the Agreement, and
supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, representations and quotations with respect thereto. No modification hereof will be of any effect unless in writing and signed by the party to be bound thereby.

31.  Child-Resistant & Child-Deterrent Products. All references by Zip Pak to “Child Resistant” refer solely to the possibility that the applicable Products can be part of packaging that may satisfy the requirements of the U.S. Poison Prevention Packaging Act and related regulations (16 CFR 1700) (the “PPPA Requirements”). All references by Zip Pak to “Child-Deterrent” (or other similar phrases) refer generally to packaging meant to discourage young children from opening it, however such Products have not undergone any formal testing for child resistance or deterrence. Products, as packaging components, do not satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other packaging requirement or standard on their own, and Zip Pak expressly rejects and revokes any statement to the contrary. Certain Products have been included on packaging that satisfies the PPPA Requirements, but no statement by Zip Pak is a guarantee that any specific packaging containing Products will satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other laws, rules, regulations, standards or requirements. Purchaser hereby releases and indemnifies Zip Pak and affiliates from and against all claims and liabilities arising out of or related to packaging containing Products that is not sufficiently resistant and/or deterrent. All testing parameters, conditions and assumptions included in any lab test or third-party analysis or certification are integral to the results of such, and Zip Pak makes no guarantee that any such results will be repeatable or are applicable in different situations. Purchaser will not in any way state that any packaging including child-deterrent Products are “child resistant” (or the like).

Rev. January 2019





The Customer’s attention is specifically drawn to Sections 8 and 10 below (Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability and Remedies).

1. Acceptance. Zippak International BV, herein referred to as “Zippak”, is selling products (“Products”) or services (“Services”) to the customer purchasing Products or Services from Zippak, herein referred to as “Purchaser”. These terms and conditions of sale (“Terms”), any Zippak quotation, acknowledgment or invoice and all documents incorporated by specific reference herein or therein (“Zippak Documents” and together with these Terms, the “Agreement”), constitute the complete terms governing the sale of Products and Services. ZIPPAK HEREBY REJECTS ANY ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS OR CONDITIONS PROPOSED BY PURCHASER, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINED IN ANY OF PURCHASER’S BUSINESS FORMS OR IN PURCHASER’S WEBSITE, AND SUCH ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS WILL BE OF NO EFFECT. No site usage agreement or any other click through agreement on a website will have any binding effect whether or not Zippak clicks on an “ok,” “I accept,” or similar acknowledgment. Commencement of any work by Zippak or Purchaser’s acceptance of delivery of the Products or Services will manifest Purchaser’s assent to the Agreement. Additional or different terms applicable to a particular sale may be specified in the body of a Zippak Document or agreed to in writing by the parties. In the event of a conflict, the following order of precedence will apply: (a) terms agreed to in writing and executed by an authorized officer of Zippak; (b) Zippak Document terms; (c) these Terms.

2. Quotations. Quotations are only valid in writing and for 30 days from the date of the quotation. All quotations are subject to change or withdrawal without prior notice to Purchaser. Quotations are made subject to approval of Purchaser’s credit. Zippak may refuse orders and has no obligation to supply Products or Services unless Zippak issues an order acknowledgement or upon the shipment of Products or commencement of Services.

3. Prices and Payment Terms. Prices are subject to change without notice. All orders are accepted subject to Zippak’ price in effect at time of shipment. Prices do not include any sales, use, value-added or other taxes, VAT, import duties, license fees or like charges (“Fees”) related to the sale, importation or use of Products or Services, and Purchaser is responsible for those Fees. If Zippak is subsequently required to pay any Fees, Purchaser shall fully defend and indemnify Zippak therefor. Terms of payment are 30 days net from the date of Zippak’ invoice. Overdue invoices will incur interest at the rate of 1.5% per month, or at the maximum rate allowable by governing law. Purchaser’s inspection rights herein will not affect the payment terms. Under no circumstances will Purchaser have a right of set-off. If Purchaser fails to make any payment as required, Purchaser agrees to indemnify Zippak for all associated costs incurred by Zippak, including reasonable attorney fees and court costs.

4. Credit Approval. All shipments are subject to approval by Zippak’ credit department. Zippak may invoice Purchaser and recover for each shipment as a separate transaction. If, in Zippak’ sole judgment, Purchaser’s financial condition is or becomes unsatisfactory, then Zippak may, without prejudice to any of its other remedies: (a) defer or decline to make any shipments except upon receipt of satisfactory security or cash payments in advance; and/or (b) terminate any or all of Purchaser’s purchase orders.

5. Cancellation or Modification. Once Zippak has accepted a purchase order or begun taking actions with respect to a purchase order, Purchaser cannot cancel or modify that purchase order except with
Zippak’ written consent. In such event, Purchaser will be liable for cancellation or modification charges and all costs incurred and committed for the order or in connection with the cancellation or modification, as applicable, together with a reasonable allowance for prorated expenses and anticipated profits.

6. Inspection / Non-Conforming Shipments. Purchaser may inspect Products for a period of 15 business days after delivery (“Inspection Period”). Purchaser must notify Zippak in writing of any Products that do not conform to the specifications applicable to their sale within the Inspection Period and afford Zippak a reasonable opportunity to inspect such Products and cure any nonconformity. If Purchaser fails to provide Zippak such written notice within the Inspection Period, Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted the Products. Purchaser may not return any Product without Zippak’ prior written authorization. Any return authorized by Zippak must be made in accordance with Zippak’ return policies. Purchaser will be responsible for all costs associated with returns of Products and will bear the risk of loss, unless Zippak agrees otherwise in writing or determines that the Products do not conform to the applicable terms of sale. Any variation in quantities shipped over or under those ordered (not to exceed 10%) will constitute compliance with Purchaser’s order, and the stated price per item will continue to apply.

7. Delivery. Zippak anticipates use of common carriers for shipment of Products. The carrier, and not Zippak, will bill for freight rates and other shipping charges. Payments for such charges shall be paid by Purchaser directly to the carrier. All Products will be shipped F.O.B. Zippak’ facility. Shipping dates are approximate and are based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information from Purchaser. Zippak may ship items in a single or multiple shipments. Title to the Products and risk of loss shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery to the common carrier at Zippak’ facility. Purchaser assumes all risk and liability for loss and use or misuse by third parties who acquire or use the Products illicitly after delivery. Purchaser must notify Zippak and the delivering carrier within 15 business days from date of receipt of Products, of any damage or shortage, and afford Zippak a reasonable opportunity to inspect the Products. Any loss occasioned by damage or shrinkage in transit will be for Purchaser’s account, and claims for such loss must be made solely against the carrier.

8. Limited Warranty. Zippak warrants that it will convey the Products free and clear of all liens, security interests and encumbrances created by, through or under Zippak. Zippak further warrants that for a period of 6 months from the date of delivery to the common carrier (the “Warranty Period”), under normal use and given proper installation and maintenance as determined by Zippak, the Products: (a) will conform to mutually agreed upon written specifications or other descriptions; and (b) will be free from substantial defects in material and workmanship. In the event of a breach of the warranties set forth above (the “Warranties”), Zippak will, at Zippak’ option and as Zippak’ sole liability and Purchaser’s sole remedy, repair, replace or credit Purchaser’s account for, any Product that fails to conform to the Warranties, provided that (i) during the Warranty Period Zippak is promptly notified in writing upon discovery of such failure with a detailed explanation of any alleged deficiencies; (ii) Zippak is given a reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims; and (iii) Zippak’ examination of such Product confirms the alleged deficiencies and that the deficiencies were not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, improper installation, unauthorized alteration or repair or improper testing. No Products may be returned to Zippak until inspection and approval by Zippak. The Warranty against defects does not apply to: (1) consumable components or ordinary wear items; or (2) use of the Products with equipment, components or parts not specified or supplied by Zippak or contemplated under the Product documentation.

9. Service Warranty. Zippak warrants that (a) it will perform Services in a timely, competent and professional manner and in accordance with industry standards; and (b) the Services shall conform to any mutually agreed upon specifications or statements of work. Purchaser’s sole remedy, and Zippak’ sole liability, for a breach of the foregoing warranty is for Zippak, at its option, to re-perform the Services or credit Purchaser’s account for such Services.


11. Product Use. Purchaser is solely responsible for determining if a Product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for Purchaser’s method of application. Accordingly, and due to the nature and manner of use of Zippak’ Products, Zippak is not responsible for the results or consequences of use, misuse or application of its Products. All physical properties, statements and recommendations are either based on the tests or experience that Zippak believes to be reliable, but they are not guaranteed.

12. Tooling/Molds/Dies. All material, equipment, facilities and special tooling (including tools, jigs, dies, fixtures, molds, patterns, special taps, special gauges, special test equipment and manufacturing aids and replacements thereof) used in the manufacture of the Products will remain the property of Zippak. Any material, tooling or equipment furnished to Zippak by Purchaser will remain the property of Purchaser with title to and right of possession remaining in Purchaser.

13. Consignment. If Products are sold on a consignment basis, title in such Products will not pass to Purchaser until the earlier of: (a) the time the Product is removed from inventory for use; or (b) the date that is 90 days from the Product’s shipment date. Zippak will have a purchase money security interest in consigned Products and may file a financing statement in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code. Purchaser agrees to store consigned Products in a segregated area and will install and/or maintain any signs or other devices to clearly identify the Products as Zippak Products. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss of all consigned Products. Purchaser shall insure consigned Products at Purchaser’s expense in amounts at least equal to the replacement value.

14. Ownership of Intellectual Property. All drawings, know-how, designs, specifications, inventions, devices, developments, processes, copyrights and other information or intellectual property disclosed or otherwise provided to Purchaser by Zippak and all rights therein (collectively, “Intellectual Property”) will remain the property of Zippak and will be kept confidential by Purchaser in accordance with these Terms. Purchaser has no claim to, nor ownership interest in, any Intellectual Property, and such
information, in whatever form and any copies thereof, shall be promptly returned to Zippak upon request from Zippak. Purchaser acknowledges that no license or rights of any sort are granted to Purchaser hereunder in respect of any Intellectual Property, other than the limited right to use Zippak’ Products or receive the Services purchased from Zippak.

15. Use of Trademarks and Trade Names. Purchaser shall not use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, Zippak’ name, or any other trademark or trade name that is now or may hereafter be owned by Zippak (collectively the “Trademarks”), as part of Purchaser’s corporate or business name, or in any way in connection with Purchaser’s business, except in a manner and to the extent authorized herein or otherwise approved by Zippak in writing. Purchaser hereby acknowledges Zippak’ ownership of the Trademarks and the goodwill associated therewith. Purchaser shall not infringe upon, harm or contest the validity of any Trademarks. Purchaser shall be entitled to use the Trademarks only in connection with the promotion or sale of the Authorized Products pursuant to the terms of the Agreement. Purchaser shall reproduce the Trademarks exactly as specified by Zippak. Purchaser shall not use the Trademarks in combination with any other trademarks or names. Purchaser agrees that it will not register or attempt to register any Trademark or any colorable imitation thereof (including any non-English language variation thereof), or use such Trademarks for any products or for any purposes other than those set forth in the Agreement. Purchaser shall not at any time during or after termination of the Agreement use in its business any other trademark that is similar to or in any way resembles the Trademarks so as to be likely to cause deception or confusion with the Trademarks. Purchaser shall provide reasonable cooperation to Zippak with respect to any efforts of Zippak to protect, defend or enforce its rights to the Trademarks. Should Purchaser cease being an authorized customer of Zippak for any reason, Purchaser shall immediately discontinue any formerly permitted use of Zippak’ name or the Trademarks.

16. Confidential Information. All information furnished or made available by Zippak to Purchaser in connection with the subject matter hereof shall be held in confidence by Purchaser. Purchaser agrees not to use (directly or indirectly), or disclose to others, such information without Zippak’ prior written consent. The obligations in this section will not apply to any information that: (a) at the time of disclosure was or thereafter becomes generally available to the public by publication or otherwise through no breach by Purchaser of any obligation herein; (b) Purchaser can show by written records was in Purchaser’s possession prior to disclosure by Zippak; or (c) is legally made available to Purchaser by or through a third party having no direct or indirect confidentiality obligation to Zippak with respect to such information.

17. Audit. Unless agreed to in writing by an officer of Zippak, neither Purchaser nor any Purchaser representative, may examine or audit Zippak’ cost accounts, books or records of any kind or any matter, or any other data that Zippak, in its sole discretion, considers confidential or proprietary.

18. Infringement and Indemnification. Except as set forth below, Zippak agrees to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any claims, costs, damages, liability and expenses resulting from actual patent, trademark or copyright infringement, misappropriation of confidential information, or violation of any other Intellectual Property right, domestic or foreign that may arise from the sale of Zippak’ proprietary Product to Purchaser as such pertains to the subject matter of the Agreement (each, a “Claim”); provided, however, (a) Purchaser supplies Zippak written notice of such Claim immediately after the Purchaser has notice of such Claim, (b) Purchaser cooperates with Zippak in the defense and settlement of such Claim; and (c) Purchaser allows Zippak the right to defend and settle such Claim at Zippak’ expense If a suit or claim results in any injunction or order that would prevent Zippak from
supplying any part or Product falling under the Agreement, or if the result of such a suit or claim would, in the reasonable opinion of Zippak, otherwise cause Zippak to be unable to supply such parts or Products, Zippak may do one or more of the following: (i) secure an appropriate license to permit Zippak to continue supplying those parts or Products; (ii) modify the appropriate part or Product so that it becomes non-infringing; (iii) replace the appropriate part or Product with a non-infringing but practically equivalent part or Product; or (iv) if Zippak cannot reasonably accomplish the actions specified in subsections (i) – (iii), then in Zippak’ sole discretion, Zippak may discontinue selling the part or Product without any further liability to Purchaser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Zippak shall have no liability or duty to defend and indemnify Purchaser against any Claim relating to: (1) the use of any part or Product, (2) the combination of any part or Product with any other part or product not supplied by Zippak, or (3) any part or Product or process that is designed or specified by Purchaser.

19. Service Terms. The following terms and conditions apply to any on-site Services provided by Zippak:

A. Services will be provided at Zippak’ then current service rates.

B. Purchaser shall prepare the site for the Services. If the site is not prepared for the Services upon Zippak service personnel’s arrival at the agreed upon time and date for Services, Zippak may charge Purchaser for any delay and/or travel time at Zippak’ regular service rates.

C. Purchaser shall provide Zippak with advance notice of any rules, regulations, statutes and requirements applicable to the Services, including any required permits and licenses, that are applicable to Purchaser’s local jurisdiction.

D. Zippak may refuse, without any liability, to provide Services and to allow Zippak service personnel to suspend Services or vacate any site where, in Zippak’ opinion, performance of Services would pose a risk to the safety of any person. In such event, Purchaser is responsible for payment of any delay and/or travel time at Zippak’ regular service rates.

E. Purchaser is solely liable for all damages or injuries caused or contributed to by Purchaser that may occur on the site, except to the extent damages or injuries are directly caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Zippak service personnel.

F. Purchaser must provide at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation of any Service order. If Purchaser cancels with less than 24 hours’ notice, Purchaser is responsible for any costs incurred by Zippak caused by such cancellation.

20. Compliance. Purchaser agrees to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances and laws applicable to Purchaser’s obligations hereunder and Purchaser’s use of the Products and Services, including import/export laws, labor laws and anti-corruption laws.

21. Relationship of the Parties. Nothing in the Agreement or the course of dealing of the parties may be construed to constitute the parties hereto as partners, joint venturers or as agents for one another or as authorizing either party to obligate the other in any manner.

22. Force Majeure. Zippak will not be responsible for failure to perform in a timely manner under the Agreement when its failure results from events beyond its reasonable control (an event of “Force Majeure”), including acts of God, epidemics, acts of war whether declared or undeclared, blockades, labor disputes (whether of Zippak’ employees or the employees of others), raw material shortages and material increases in costs of raw materials. In the event of Force Majeure, the time for performance will extend for such time as reasonably necessary to enable Zippak to perform.

23. Assignment; Binding Effect. No assignment of any rights or interest or delegation of any obligation of Purchaser under the Agreement or Purchaser’s purchase order may be made without Zippak’ prior written consent. Any attempted assignment will be void. Zippak may assign the Agreement or otherwise transfer its rights and/or obligations under the Agreement. The Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns.

24. Waiver. In the event of any default by Purchaser, Zippak may decline to ship Products or provide Services. If Zippak elects to continue shipping or otherwise fails to insist upon strict compliance with the Agreement, Zippak’ actions will not constitute a waiver of Purchaser’s default or any other existing or future default, or affect Zippak’ legal remedies.

25. Bankruptcy. If either party becomes insolvent, is unable to pay its debts when due, files for or is the subject of involuntary bankruptcy, has a receiver appointed or has its assets assigned, the other party may cancel any unfulfilled obligations hereunder.

26. Choice of Law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the Agreement and/or any Products or Services will be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Netherlands. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to the Agreement. All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The arbitration shall take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands and shall be conducted in English.

27. Survival. Any provisions in the Agreement which, by their nature, extend beyond the termination or expiration of any sale of Products or Services, will remain in effect until fulfilled.

28. Severability. If any provision herein is held to be unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining provisions herein will remain in effect.

29. Integration and Modification. The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Zippak and Purchaser with respect to the Products and Services covered by the Agreement, and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, representations and quotations with respect thereto. No modification hereof will be of any effect unless in writing and signed by the party to be bound thereby.

30. Child-Resistant & Child-Deterrent Products. All references by Zip Pak to “Child Resistant” refer solely to the possibility that the applicable Products can be part of packaging that may satisfy the requirements of the U.S. Poison Prevention Packaging Act and related regulations (16 CFR 1700) (the “PPPA Requirements”). All references by Zip Pak to “Child-Deterrent” (or other similar phrases) refer generally to packaging meant to discourage young children from opening it, however such Products have not undergone any formal testing for child resistance or deterrence. Products, as packaging components, do not satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other packaging requirement or standard on their own, and Zip Pak expressly rejects and revokes any statement to the contrary. Certain Products have been included on packaging that satisfies the PPPA Requirements, but no statement by Zip Pak is a guarantee that any specific packaging containing Products will satisfy the PPPA Requirements or any other laws, rules, regulations, standards or requirements. Purchaser hereby releases and indemnifies Zip Pak and affiliates from and against all claims and liabilities arising out of or related to packaging containing Products that is not sufficiently resistant and/or deterrent. All testing parameters, conditions and assumptions included in any lab test or third-party analysis or certification are integral to the results of such, and Zip Pak makes no guarantee that any such results will be repeatable or are applicable in different situations. Purchaser will not in any way state that any packaging including child-deterrent Products are “child resistant” (or the like).

Rev. January 2019

